مدينة نصر

ان اند اوت

In & out furniture company has a rich history of providing beautiful , comfortable home furnishings and the highest service for its customers. The first showroom was opened in 1999 and located at Nasr city, Cairo, Egypt. The Philosophy was to offer every customer furniture and appliances at the most affordable price and to provide service that would insure that they would return to In & Out. We have grown through word –of- mouth advertising. Today, In & Out Furniture is one of the largest and most famous furniture showrooms in Egypt. The company is headquartered in Cairo and currently employs over 800 associates. It owns and operates 8 stores in Cairo, Alexandria and Hurgada. In & Out stores feature the areas' largest selection with the most comprehensive display of Indoor and outdoor furnishings all under one roof. Our company takes its pride in satisfying the needs of its valued customers and continues to build its reputation on customers satisfaction as a customer –focused company.


ايه تو زيد
نستقبل اطفالكم من سن 3 شهور وحتي 12 سنوات
مواعيدنا من الساعه 8 صباحا حتي 4 مساءا
يوجد ساعات استضافيه بعد انتهاء اليوم الدراسي من 5 مساءا حتي 10 سنوات
اسلوب تربوي وعلمي متميز ومدرسات متخصصات  ( انجليزي وفرنساوي والماني )
امكانيه الاستضافه لطلبه المدارس ومساعدتهم في عمل الواجبات بعد اليوم الدراسي
ثلاث وجبات صحيه تحت اشراف طبي
وجد سينما ومسرح وبلاي استيشن
يوجد كاميرات مراقبه في كل مكان للاطمئنان علي راحه وسلامه الاطفال