Dr. Heba owner of Advanced Cosmetic Dental Clinic A member of New York University College Of Dentistry. A member Of International Congress Of Oral Implantologist. (ICOI). A member Of Arabic Society Of Oral Implantology. (ASOI). Dr. Heba Mohamed El Adl has spent her professional career dedicated to giving her patients the highest level of quality dental care. Her background in esthetics fully prepared her for the advanced specialty of prosthodontics as well as Cosmetic and Reconstructive Dentistry. As a Prosthodontist, Dr. Heba has spent over three decades combining Art & Science to create beautiful smiles that have enriched the lives of people around the world..
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نقص الوزن
We Are Eager to Beautify. At Emy Paramedical Cosmetics our motto entails much more than just a statement. Our state of art facility is equipped with the latest North American most effective technologies for non-invasive treatments, all designed to improve and restore a youthful, healthy skin.
Since its initiation at the Cairo Medical Tower over 12 years ago and more than 22 years experience in the United States of America, Emy Paramedical Cosmetics was geared specifically to meet its clientele needs and skin types. Therefore, we at Emy Paramedical Cosmetics developed our personal line of products. Emy Cosmetics ® These Products laid the foundation of customized skin care home programs, used properly in combination with professional clinic treatments to deliver outstanding results.
ازالة شعر الوجه والجسم بالليزر نهائيا - ازالة علامات تقدم السن وعلامات الشمس بالليزر - تفتيح الوجة والجسم والمناطق الحساسة - تنظيف وصنفرة الوجة بالكامل - تكبير وتصغير الثدى - تكبير وتصغير الشفاه والانف - تجميل اثار الحروق بالليزر - ازالة الدوالى - ازالة الوشم والوحامات - علاج البهاق والصدافية - زرع الشعر والعناية به - ازالة اثار الجروح وعيوب البشره بالوميض الضوئى المكثف |
المهندسين : ٧١ أ شارع جامعة الدول العربية-أعلي عصائر فرغلي-الدور الاول-المهندسين
الدقي : 41، شارع الدقي، ميدان الدقي، بجوار التوحيد و النور و اعلي صيدلية رمضان، الدور السادس.
Adress:Flat 1 ,Floor 2 ,No.29 Nawal St., ,In front of El Agouza PoliceDepartment ,Agouza-tel:02 37601845
المهندسين : ٤١ شارع أنس ابن مالك-متفرع من شارع العراق-ناصية التوحيد و النور بشارع شهاب-الدور الارضي -المهندسين