6th of October El Sheikh Zayed

Mini Miracles Nursery

Mini Miracles Nursery is stablished for kids to enjoy and learn in a fun and safe environment. All staff are collaborating to provide maximum service, care and education for our kids.

We are welcoming infants starting from 6 months, toddlers and preschoolers till school stage.

We are providing both English and French language.

Arabic and French sessions.

Classes run 5 days a week (Sunday till Thursday).

Our working hours are from 7.30 am till 4.00 pm

Extra hours till 6 pm

After school hosting till 6 pm

Three healthy meals (Breakfast-Lunch-Snack)

Manners, etiquette, music,drama, creative crafts,Gymnastics,Zumba,monthly events, trips, birthday parties

Weekly doctor visit.

All classes are air-conditioned and monitored.

Bloom Nursery & Pre-school

If you had a dream & vision for your kid so you will look for the
best care .
All parents shared the aim to reach their kids to be good mannered,
well educated & healthy.
Our vision :
To put our blooms on the right track of success.
Our mission:
Turning on their channel & self direction to react with the external
To develop their skills through, educational, physical & athletic activities.
Our commitment:
To provide a positive learning & fun working environment for blooms
& staff.
To every kids’, skills, talent & academic needs.
Our duties to make your child show up.

Tweety Education Fun Nursery

حضانة تويتى للتعليم المرح رقم (6 )
KG 1& KG 2 بشهادة معتمده من وزارة التربية والتعليم
المبنى مصمم على مساحة 1200 متر مربع بحدائق مساحات واسعة دور ارضى فقط لاغير وقد تم تصميمه بمعايير هيئة الابنية التعليمية لدور الحضانات
الفرع السادس لخمس فروع اخرى بالشيخ زايد واكتوبر
رعاية طبية بوجود طبيب متخصص اسبوعيا
تحفيظ قرآن كريم
الانشطة الترفيهية ( موسيقى - سباحة - رسم - مسرح عرائس - حفلات - رحلات- منتسورى - كراتيه )
اللغة الاولى : اللغة الانجليزية
اللغة الثانية : اللغتين الفرنسية والالمانية
phonics lap مزود باحدث الاجهزة
اتيكيت وادآب وسلوكيات وقيم
P.E ( Physical Education)
camera system نظام كاميرات مراقبة
3 جاردن خارجية وداخلية
قاعات مكيفة
مواعيد العمل من السبت الى الخميس من الساعة 7 صباحا حتى الساعة 5 مساءا
ونادى الطفل حتى الساعة 10 مساءا وبرنامج خاص للاسر
النادى الصيفى ( بالية - كرة قدم - تنس - كراتية - خط عربى )
Baby room على مساحة 140متر مربع بحديقة خاصة

Baby class nursery

1*Educational and recreational integrated system for your child 2*we have an integrated educational curriculum for children: *learning how to read and write letters and habitation of schools (Arabic &English& math *learn the Quran and conservation approach intonation and become acquainted with *Literature of Islamic and Sunnah and belief and facilitator of Islamic Fiqh and stories *Montessori (child development skills)*Sessions address, modify the behavior, development of skills by professionals3*summer educational and recreational activities.(Delivery to all places of service in October)4* we accept from the age of two months to 6 years.A. Teach the art of drawing B. TECHNICAL workshopsC. Karate and fitness.D. Concerts and tours and seminars breeding E. Healthy meals by experts F. Hosted after school

Scribbles & Bubbles Nursery

Accept from 3 Months - to - School Age.

Languages: English, French, German and Quran.

 Working Hours: from 7:30 am to 4:30 pm and extra time till 10:00 Pm

After School Waiting for Students with an Exceptional Program.

Week days hosting and Week end (Friday and Saturday) (From 10:00Am till 10:00Pm).

Winter camp, summer Camp.

Qualified & Experienced Staff

3 Meals a day (fresh & Healthy ) + Extra Meal After 5 pm 

Jolly Phonics - Variety of Educational Toys, Games & Books. 

Safe Environment. 

Provide Medical Care (Physical & Psychological).

Activities: Music - Gymnastics - Art & Craft - Planting - Birthday Parties - Recycling & Much More.

La Cite Nursery

نستقبل الاطفال من سن 3 شهور الى عشر سنوات 
الحضانة مكيفة مع حديقة خاصة وقاعة سينما
نقدم لاطفالنا فى لاسيتيه جميع احتياجاتهم من رعاية وتربية وتعليم بطرق حديثة وممتعة
تحفيظ القرآن الكريم ورعاية دينية متكاملة وتعليم مبادئ اللغات ( عربى - انجليزى - فرنسى المانى
بطريقة سليمة مع نخبة من اكفأ المدرسات المتخصصات مع احدث الكتب والوسائل التعليمية وتقديم برامج علمية لتنمية مهارات الطفل 
طرق حديثة لتعليم مبادئ الرياضيات والعلوم وتعلم الاعمال الفنية والعديد من الانشطة
تعتمد الحضانة فى التعليم على احدث البرامج التعليمية للتواصل بين الام والطفل فى التربية الحديثة وتعديل السلوك للاطفال 
ننمى الجوانب الفنية والابداعية لديهم والاعمال اليدوية
ممارسة الالعاب الرياضية فى الهواء الطلق بحديقة مجهزة للالعاب الترفيهيىة
رعاية طبية متميزة ( زيارة طبيبة اطفال اسبوعيا ) مع تقديم تقرير مفصل لحالة الاطفال
تقديم وجبات صحية مميزة تحت اشراف طهاة متخصصين
نخصص لكل طفل مكان خاص فى خزانة لوضع اغراضه الخاصة
حمام سباحة مجهز ومعقم فى فصل الصيف
اجراء حفلات اعياد ميلاد مجانا لكل الاطفال ورحلات خارجية
نحن فى مكان مميز وراقى وامان وصحى وسهل الوصول اليه على المحور الرئيسى
ويوجد لدينا اتوبيس مكيف لنقل الاطفال من اى مكان داخل مدينة اكتوبر
تقرير اسبوعى لمتابعة تطوراتهم
لدينا فترة استقبال حتى فى الاجازات الرسمية

Bright Buds Academy

*Bright Buds Academy Offers a well teacher, planned and child initiated learning emphasizing responsiveness to children's strength, interests, need and learning style.

*Our mission is a professional development program for emotional, cognitive and educational to children.

*We support an education & development program throughout serving three meals for the kids throughout the day.

*We work according to the highest nutrition and hygiene standards to support kid's physical program and cognitive growth.

Our curriculum covers:
Social emotional
Science & technology
English Language acquisition

Kinderland Nursery

Mission: our mission is dedicating our efforts in building a positive, responsible and independent child.

Vision: our vision is to spread love and care same as the child's home

What we do:
-we accept ages from 6 months till school age
-we are open from Sunday to Thursday from 7:30 to 4:00 pm and extra hours available upon request
-we have experienced, qualified, fluent teachers and trained assistants
-we work with jolly phonics program in english
-we teach arabic, Qur'an and islamic manners by certified tutors
-we follow Montessori learning methods
-we offer gymnastics lessons by expert coaches
-we send daily report
-we provide weekly medical supervision by a specialized doctor and regular dental checkups
-we offer 3 fresh hot meals (breakfast, lunch and snack) and a drink sweetened with honey
-we offer hand to hand transportation upon request, with a professional assistant
-we have monthly fun events, trips and celebrating birthdays
-We have air conditioned classes
-we do summer and winter camps with joyful creative schedule and unique interactive workshops
-we have two playing areas indoor and outdoor fully equipped with suitable toys
-we do potty training
-we highly prepare preschoolers to exceed any interview

Future Kid Academy

Our Mission & Services

About :-
Integral system for children providing high-quality education in a safe and healthy environment where the warmth and care are essential during the first years of life.
Services :-
• We accept children from 3 months.
• We open 5 days a week (Sunday to Thursday) 8 am To 4 pm.
• Extra time from 6:45 Am to 6:00 Pm.
• Part time and day care from Saturday to Thursday .
• Professional education system & activities program through art activities and handicraft by qualified teachers.
• Smart board system and internet services (The latest in teaching system ).
• English – French – German by Specialists in languages .
• Arabic , Quran and Religious Stories.
• Activities : aerobics , Music , Art , Cooking. ,puppet show .
• We provide safe indoor & outdoor activities (sunny garden) .
• Daily and weekly reports.
• Breakfast & hot lunch, healthy and fresh snack and juice
• Surveillance Cameras system for children.
• Supervision of a medical specialist
• Door to door safe transportation for 6th October city.
• Summer programs and winter camps
• Birthday parties

Themar International Nursery


About Themar International Nursery: 

Accept children from 4 month till 4 years. 
Children are welcome 5 days a week from  
Transportation is available


Kids Paradise Langauge Nursery


Distinct custody of children aimed at building the future in an integrated manner that includes aspects of education, education and care
Kidzbaradayiz custody
Announces nursery for half year program
1-Coors Baltjavid Qur'an (Koran approach photographer)
2-course sports (self-defense program -ab forces -kngovo)
3-course Art (Activities hand and distracting)
4-course learning drawing
5-course English
6-course works silt (mud Alaswanly)
Starting Cd11-1 to 15.2 (initiated a booking from now)
The chorus for a month two days a week for each course
Age from 3 years to 15 years...


Brains Kids Academy

Brains Kids Academy  : 


Baby- Care  


Pre-School ♥ 

Unique Educational programs; Qura `an, Computer, English, Arabic, Math and Science ♥ 

Working Hours:

Mon - Thu: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm 


Sat - Sun: 7:00 am - 6:00 pm


Brains Academy kids Nursery and Pre-school 

Draw your kid smile :) Where learn is fun :) 


Draw smile on your kids faces and get your Satisfaction is our Aim :) 

Let your kids have the care they deserve ♥ 


* Brains Academy nursery & Pre_school * 

- Accept children from 3 months and above. 

- Work 5 days a week from 7 am till 6 pm ans Saturday is upon request. 

- Unique educational programs in, Arabic, English, Math and Science. 

- We teach Qura`an as daily base with Tajweed rules. 

- Regular activities, crafts, sports, fun events, art, workshops. 

- Develop kids social and communication skills. 

- Daily & monthly reports. 

- Medical visits. 

- Special door to door transportation. 

- Pre_school interview preparation 

- Healthy meals. 


El 7dana Nursery

About El 7dana Nursery: 

Class 1 New Born: 3 Months - Crawling 

Class 2 Babies: Crawlers - Walking 

English Class: 2 Years - 5 Years

French Class: 2 Years - 5 Years

Working Hours: Basic time from 8 am to 4 pm 

Extra hours in Late duties are available upon request 

After School: Studying and following up the H/W


Activities: Quran - Music - Swimming - Art & Craft - Aerobics - Video - Cooking- Birthday Parties - Trips 


Step One Nursery & Preschool

About Step One Nursery: 

Languages: Arabic - English - French - Holly Quran 

Age: from 3 Months - to - School Age 

Working Hours: Basic time from 7:30 am to 4 pm 

Extra hours in Late duties are available upon request 

Meals: Breakfast - Lunch - Snacks 

Step One Provide Medical Care 

Summer Program 

Camera System 

Activities: Music - Art & Craft - Aerobics - Birthday Parties - Trips 


Tago Nursery

"Children are not things to be molded, but are people to be unfolded." - Jess lair

• Language: English – French – Deutsch
• Age: 1 1/2 y to school age.
• After school care and summer/winter camps.
• Working hours: 7:30 AM to 4:00 PM.
Extra hours in late duties are available till 6:00 PM.
• Working days : Sunday – Thursday
• Meals : Breakfast – Lunch – Snack.
• Medical Care

Creative Academy

About Creative Academy: 

Languages: Arabic - English - French 

Age: from 8 Months - to - School Age 

Working Hours: Basic time from 8 am to 3 pm 

Extra hours in Late duties are available 5 pm 

Meals: Breakfast - Lunch - Snacks 

Medical Care 

Motor Skills - Reading Skills - Maths Skills 

Montessori approach for practical life skills 



Allah Lovers Academy

About Allah Lovers Academy : 

Languages: Arabic - English - Holly Quran 

Age: from 1 Year - to - School Age 

After School 

Working Hours: Basic time from 8 am to 3 pm 

Extra hours in Late duties are available till 5 pm

Meals: Lunch - Snacks 

Montessori approach for practical life skills 

Summer Activities

Development Sills - IQ Tests

Activities: Swimming - Art & Craft - Aerobics - Gymnastics - Science - Computer - Birthday Parties - Trips 

Kinder College International Preschool

About Kinder College International Preschool: 

1st Int preschool located in the heart of sheikh zayed designed with glassy classrooms

100% safe and secured place

MDF walls and floors

Healthiest atmosphere and fresh air surround by huge huge green area and animal farm

The most Advanced computer system and equipment to aid our educational programs and administration.

EYFS & PYP standards of education are highly valued and considered in our curriculum.

We believe that ICT is the only gate to the coming world, that's why a very special ICT package is designed especially for our students.

Our classes are air-conditioned, monitored by cameras, and now they are all painted with "Fenomastic" paint.

Modern furniture and child friendly settings

Safe playing area

MDF walls and Floors

Advanced computer programs

Health & safety at our nursery

Health and safety is a fundamental part of our day nursery - We believe if children are safe, healthy and happy in their environment then they are more likely to reach their full potential.

Services customized by age

Infant 2 months to 1year

Toddlers 1,1 to 2,19

preschool 2,11 to 3,2

Foundation 3,3 to 3.6

French section

Montessori activities

Early bird

After school camp

Intellectual skills center

Indoor, outdoor winter and summer camp

Themed birthday events and more ....

Scouting programs

Themed birthday parties and more

English House Academy is pleased to announce the beginning of its new academic year 2017 / 2018 ,granting free registration fees 
Register now and get 20% discount !

Our Mission

English House Academy is a house of caring and early learning academy .Our Creative Curriculum Strategy and Jolly Phonics approach are designed to help our children reach their fullest potential at their own unique pace with lots of fun and Activities that makes your child a self learner child.

Ages: 6months- 5 years (school age)

Activities: Quran - Art and Craft – Music - PE Cooking - Montessori activity - Etiquette - Aerobics - Zomba classes
Indoor and outdoor playing Areas.

English - Frensh - Arabic

Monthly trips-Doctor weekly visit

Winnter Camp - Summer Camp

After School
Day caring Friday - Saturday

Working Hours: Sunday – Thursday from 7:30 am – 4:00 pm
Extra hours Available till 6:00 PM

We offer 3 fresh meals (breakfast, lunch, and snack)

All classes are monitored with Video Camera

Transportation service available

Jannaty Nursery
Jannaty nursery announces for enriching its winter camp by giving the robotics course and how to make a robot under the supervision of a very specialised engineers. (Technokids) who promote the new generation's interest to learn, discover, observe, describe, think and achieve by engaging students in STEM projects (Science, Technology, Engineering and math )
**This course can be taken separately without joining the winter camp on Saturdays or during the week days .
The course lasts for 2 weeks (2 days per week, 2 hours per session)
For ages from 4 to 17
Rukan Nursery & Pre-School

About Rukan Nursery & Pre-School : 

Arabic, Ethics and Quran Classes 

Age: from 4 Months - to - 4 Years

Working Hours: Basic time from 8 am to 3 pm 

Extra hours in Late duties are available till 6 pm

After School Club

Winter and Summer Break Camps 

Meals: Breakfast - Lunch - Snacks

Extra Hot Meals After 4 pm

Transportation Available

Der Deutsche Kinder Garten

About Der Deutsche Kinder Garden: 

Languages: Arabic - German - English - French - Holly Quran 

Age: from 3 Months - to - School Age 

Working Hours: Basic time from 7:30 am to 6 pm 

Meals: Breakfast - Lunch - Snacks 

Learning Religious Behaviour 

Family Care 

Medical Care and supercision 

Activities: Music - Air Condition - Art & Craft - Cinema - Fun Days - Birthday Parties - Trips 

Transportation Available

Jungle Nursery


Accepts kids from 2 months to 5 years. 

International Curriculum.

Quraan ,Integrate Islamic beliefs in life.

Art , Aerobics , Video.

Highly Qualified Staff.

Air Conditioned Classrooms.

Organic meals.

Camera System.

Weekly doctor visit.


Prepare Children For Any School Interview.

After School Classes From 5 : 8 Years.

Summer Camp From 5 Years.

Indoor & Outdoor Playing Area.

Working hours 7:30 am to 4:00 pm

Sunday toThursday.