6th of October El Sheikh Zayed

Dora Nursery and  preschool

Our nursery is a new idea in the world of nurseries

      Dora Nursery and preschool + kg1&2

- It was established in 2015 and over the past 7 years we have been and are still the second home for your child -- your child is with us always distinguished and different, and because we are always at the forefront .... Our attention to the details of our children is the secret of our success

- Excellent management

The teachers are qualified at the highest level

- Curriculum for each age English- Math - phonics - Religion -Montessori - crafts - Art -fitness

- Air-conditioned classes + smart board

- Garden open air

- Cam online two hours a day

Healthy meals for your child

- Breakfast-lunch-snack

- Highest Hygiene level

We accept children from 1 to 5 years old

Working hours are from Sunday to Thursday from 8 am to 5 pm with the possibility of providing dates extra

- And our surprise for 2022.. Obtaining a license for the kg1 & kg 2 phases

Kids Castle Nursery



Daily Routine

Our routine is very flexible, to ensure that children are given optimum time to explore the learning experiences that are available.  Because of this, we do not always have our group times at the same time each day.

  • 8:00 am -Pre-Kindergarten day begins (children may arrive from this time – it’s great if they can arrive by around 9 am)
  • 9:00/9:15 am – Short circle group time to say good morning and discuss the day ahead
  • 9:30/9:45 am – Morning “brain food” healthy snack followed by indoor/outdoor self-directed play experiences
  • 11:30 am – Tidy up inside and outside, prepare for relaxation
  • 11:45 am – Relaxation, rest, and story
  • 12:00pm – Lunch in “kids castle-food area”
  • 12:30 pm – indoor/outdoor self-directed play experiences
  • 1:55 pm – optional afternoon snack
  • 2:25 pm – Pack up inside/outside. Kids Castle International children pack bags
  • 2:30 pm – parents can take their children as kindergarten day ends. All children need to be collected by this time, however, it is completely fine if they are picked up earlier. Children can sometimes take a while to adjust to the demands of a long day or two at preschool. 
  • 3:00 pm – educators engage in curriculum planning and documentation of children’s learning. Please try to be on time to collect your child so that we have time to plan and prepare learning experiences for the next day. Thank you.

Extra hours: from 3 to 6 pm

  •  3:00 pm – 6:00 pm  ( Extra hours Program )


Registration Fee:


Monthly Tuition:

  • 2 days a week - EP 350
  • 4 days a week - EP 550
  • 5 days a week - EP 650
  • Monthly - EP 3000
  • Extra hours - EP 1000 for our students
  • Extra hours - EP 1500 for Common



Daily Routine

Our routine is very flexible, to ensure that children are given optimum time to explore the learning experiences that are available.  Because of this, we do not always have our group times at the same time each day.

  • 8:00 am – Kindergarten day begins (children may arrive from this time – it’s great if they can arrive by around 9 am)
  • 8:30/8:50 am – Short circle group time to say good morning and discuss the day ahead
  • 8:55/9:20 am – Morning “brain food” healthy snack followed by indoor/outdoor self-directed play experiences
  • 9:30 am – starting the academic program
  • 11:30 am – Relaxation, rest, and Lunch in “kids castle-food area
  • 12:00/12:20 pm – Prayers and meditation time
  • 12:30 pm completion of the school day.
  • 2:00 pm  afternoon snack
  • 2:15 pm – Pack up inside/outside. Kids Castle International children pack bags
  • 2:30 pm – parents can take their children as kindergarten day ends. All children need to be collected by this time, however, it is completely fine if they are picked up earlier.
  • 3:00 /6:00 pm – Afterschool club (Home works, supporting classes, and Extra activities.)

Thank you. 

Registration Fees:


Yearly Tuition:

Annual fees - EP 18,950

Kids Lovers Academy - Khamael Branch

Vibrant and fun classrooms.
• Outdoor play area. Trips- Outings.
• Fully trained staff.
Intenationally recognized curriculum. Fresh and healthy food
cooked on premises.
Good manners and etiquette classes. Healthy habits classes.

• Speech therapists available.


• French, Montessori and music classes.

Aerobics classes.

• Arabic & Quran classes.

• Week-by-week vibrant events.

Summer & Winter camps.

Camera monitored classes.
Transportation provided.
After school service upon request. • Portable swimming pools.
At KLA we have teachers from around the world hailing from Colorado, USA to Manchester, England bringing us the best and most
experienced teachers to date.

Asghar Child Academy

English Section
French Section
Advanced and developed preschool
Safe,stimulating and fun environment.
Excellent facilities.
Qualified and certified staff
After school program
Winter &Summer camps.
Weekly music session
Weekly doctor checkup
Gymnastics and fitness academy
Transportation is available 
Jolly phonics curriculum
High safety and hygeine standards
Four healthy meals
 Surveillance cameras

Wws International nursery & Pre-School

Our mission at WWS international nursery &   pre-school is to build a solid foundation in your child's developmental process, which revolves around encouragement and social awareness. We provide a loving and caring environment that accommodates your child's needs, as well as qualified staff with broad previous experience working with reputable international nurseries in Egypt and abroad, some have English and French serving as their mother  tongue, in addition to good command of German. 


*Preschool from 3 Months to 4 Years
*After School Activities from 5 to 12 Years
*Winter /Summer Camp 4 to 8 Years
*Mid-Year 4 to 8 Years
*Part time 12 days/month
*Working Hours: 8.00 am to 4 pm
*Extra hours till 6:00 pm
*4 Meals: Breakfast - Lunch - Snack, Extra meal after 5 pm
*Daily doctor checkup
*Montessori activities for practical life skills
*Jolly Phonics, games & books
*One to One Reading & Academic Program
English - French 
*Surveillance cameras
*Full range of services for infants
*Potty Training.
*The outdoor garden is 700 m2
*Swimming pool
*Activities: Music - Gymnastics - Arts & Crafts– Birthday Parties - Trips– Baby Shower
*Safe environment
*Communication & Behavior modification

Bumble Bee Nursery & Pre-School

Where you deserve to be... Bumble Bee is an international nursery situated in Mohandessin and sheikh zayed which provides a cozy atmosphere allowing our kids to be attached to their teachers and have healthy relationships with their peers.
*We accept kids from the age of 3 months up to 5 years old.
*Organic breakfast, lunch& snack meals
*English , German & French sections
*International montessori educational activities
*Art ,Quran , aerobics & Music
*Pretend and sand areas
*Monthly field & educational trips
*working hours : 7:30 am - 4:30 pm
*late services to 5:30 pm
*Doctor(one visit per week

My Home Academy

We will accept children from two months to 10 years old

Your child will come with us after school (we will study - we will study his curriculum - he will participate in a lot of activities - he will also play and have a good time.....)

There are also the best specialists in communication and behavior modification

Don't worry about him because the place is being monitored with cameras

We will provide them with delicious and nutritious meals

We will learn (Arabic - Arithmetic - English - Math)

Memorization of the Holy Quran and honorable hadiths

We have Montessori games to develop skills and abilities suitable for all ages of children

Drawing, coloring and many other activities that you will know when you honor us

We have a garden with lots of toys and it is very safe

Babies have a designated and very sterile place for their safety, with a specialized supervisor

The place is sterilized, and the tools and toys that children use throughout the day, in order to preserve their safety

There is a bus with our children's supervisor

Our appointments

Morning shift from 7:00 am to 4:00 pm

Evening shift from 4:00 to 10:30 pm

Winners Nursery
We are welcoming infants starting from 3 months, toddlers, juniors and preschoolers till school age

We offer :
Arabic & Religion sessions. 
Montessori learning methods. 
Trips and birthday parties.
Full and part time system. 

Three balanced meals (breakfast, lunch and snack) 
Powerful English curriculum for school interview preparation. 
Art, cooking,
Sunny and airy garden 
Potty Training.
Air conditioned classrooms.
Daily report 
After school care and special winter/ summer camp .
Working days: Sunday to Thursday
Our working hours are from 7am till 5pm



Umbrella nursery

Quran memorization
skills development
Communication and behavior modification
educational courses
Buses all over October
Morning and evening addition

Children Oasis Nursery

Let us smile and develop your child .. in children oasis nursery
1-session Quran kareem
2- session Arabic
3-session Amrican english
4- Special session of agriculture
5-Session Math
6- Special sessions of industry and recycling of Things
7- Teaching etiquette and behavior
8- Monthly medical care
9- Strengthen the nerves of the child
10- daily report for parents
Now special discount for opening 1200 pounds including breakfast, lunch and snack

EduCastle Nursery

في حضانة EduCastle Nursery بنوفر أحدث الأساليب التعليمية علشان تساعد على تنمية مهارات الأطفال ويقدروا يجتازوا أنترفيوهات المدارس بسهولة تعرف علينا اكثر
فصول صحية من ناحية الأضاءة الطبيعة والتهوية والمساحة و مزوده بتكيفات و كاميرات مراقبة.
يوجد طبيب أطفال لمتابعه صحه طفلك اسبوعيا تحت إشراف city clinic.
وجبات يوميه طازجة (فطار، سناك،غذاء).
يوجد تدريب بدني اسبوعيا تحت اشراف first academy.
يوجد تحفيظ قران و تعليم الاخلاق الحميده مرتين اسبوعيا.
يوجد برامج تنميه بشريه للاطفال تحت اشراف (اكتشف مواهبك مع ا/مينا)
المناهج التعليميه تعتمد على التعليم التفاعلي و تطبق وفقا للمرحله العمرية.
تستطيع متابعة جميع أنشطتنا و محتوي اليوم بالتفصيل لطفلك والتواصل مع المدرسات و الاداره عبر موبايل ابليكشن.
نستقبل الاطفال من عمر شهرين حتى ٥ اعوام
ايضا نستقبل اطفال المدارس تشمل وجبة الغذاء وتوفير المناخ المناسب لإنهاء الواجب المدرسي.
مواعيدنا من الأحد إلى الخميس من الساعة8 ص حتى الساعة 4 م
و يوجد خدمه الاكسترا تايم حتى 6 م
و يوجد اكسترا تايم من 7:30 ص ايضا

Little Minds Nursery

English  Jolly phonics
Creative writing 
Art Sessions 
Developing skills 
Three healthy organic meals
Extra Hour is available and transportation service.
Saturday daycare from 9 AM till 3 PM.

Al Ashgar Child Academy

- Is an advanced, developed, distinguished nursery and preschool
- ACA welcomes children aged 3 months up to 4 years old.
- Sunday to Thursday, 8:00am - 4:30pm.
- Our teachers are warm, presentable and distinguished by their fluency of languages.
- International academic curriculum using jolly phonics, for children to pass school interviews successfully.
- Professionally teaching Quran, physical education, music and art.
- Air-conditioned children-friendly classrooms.
- Medical care through a pediatrician on weekly visits basis and on call.
- After-school care & special winter/summer camps.
- Healthy balanced meals/snacks.
- CCTV monitored premises.
- Our spacious garden is equipped for many outdoor activities
- Swimming pool summer activities.

DMA Academy

What we offer:
Qualified and experienced staff.
Linguistic Skills (Arabic, English)
Montessori classes 
Math, Science and religion Classes 
Social Skills Physical Education Psychological Care.
Early Intervention.
Artistic Talents.
Art Treatment.
Fresh and healthy food.
Special Needs Section
Seasonal Camps 
After school service 

دروس تاسيس للاطفال من عمر ٣ سنين الي ٦ سنوات ويوجد دكاترة لتاسيس الاطفال ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة.

دروس تقويه ومتابعه في جميع المواد لجميع المراحل العمريه من KG حتي ٦ إبتدائي (لغة عربية ، لغة إنجليزية)

جلسات تخاطب لعلاج (اللدغة، التأخر اللغوي، التلعثم )

جلسات تنميه مهارات و تخاطب لعلاج (فرط الحركه ، وتشتت الانتباه ، ضعف التركيز، صعوبات تعلم)

جلسات تكامل حسي لعلاج جميع المشاكل الحسيه والسمعيه والبصرية لأطفال ذوي الاحتياجات الخاصة.

جلسات تعديل سلوك لعلاج جميع مشاكل الطفل السلوكية (كذب، سرقه، فرط حركه، العند، مشاكل المراهقة، وغيرها من المشاكل السلوكية)

Working Hours
Days: Sunday till Thursday
Hours: 8:00 till3:00 (extra hours are available)

Excellent Academy

احلامكم لاطفالكم نجعلها حقيقه باسرع وقت
نقدم قرأن كريم واحاديث شريفه وسيره وقصص القرأن بصوره مبسطه ومصوره ومجسمه مع تعليم الوضوء والصلاه علي يد شيخ مؤهل ومحفظه خريجى الازهر الشريف
 اللغه الانجليزيه علي يد مدرسه من بريطانيا
بالاضافه الي اللغه العربيه و الالمانيه والفرنسيه
 Art علي يد مهندسه ديكور
 موسيقي علي يد فنانه تربيه موسيقيه
MathsوMini Science علي يد مدرسات مؤهلات وتربويات
ومسرح عرائس
رعايه طبيه دائمه
وجبات غذائيه ساخنه وصحيه
مدرب كاراتيه وجمباز وايروبكس
حمام سباحه
اجمل حفلات
باصات لاكتوبر وزايد

Kindergarten Nursery

 Kindergarten Nursery


we accept children from the age of 3 months.
We have English Sections.

We offer:
4 healthy meals ( breakfast- snack- Lunch- snack ).
Daily Quran and azkar circle time for muslims.
 The Bible for christians.
English , Arabic languages 
Montessori activities 
Story time
 Arts & Crafts.
 Indoor and outdoor activities.
Potty training.
 Summer camp & winter camps
 Physical activities ( Aerobics & Zumba)
 Weekly medical care
Hosting ( after school , Saturday , fullday , few hours ).
We are open from 7:30 am to
- 4:00 pm. Extra waiting hours till 6:30 pm

Le Palmier at hewaya

On accepte les enfants de 1 an jusqu’à 5 ans.

Accueil du dimanche au jeudi – 8h a 15.30 (1h supplémentaire disponible) / activités périscolaires selon emploi du temps

Apprentissage scolaire selon les programmes français de maternelle (soutien de l’Ambassade de France-service culturel depuis 1998) + cours d’arabe pour moyenne et grande sections (cursus national obligatoire)

Arts plastiques et sportVisite médicale hebdomadaire

Déjeuner équilibré et gouter varié servis à table …

Fêtes et sorties culturelles tout au long de l’année.

Espace extérieur de jeux

Club d’été ouvre ses portes pour les vacances scolaires en juillet de 2 ans à 7 ans.

durant le club d’été vous pouvez payer par semaine.


English, Arabic, Quran.
After school program( Finishing homework in the class daily).
Montessori program .
Children are welcome from 3 months to 5 years.
Healthy fresh meals :- Breakfast, Lunch & snacks.
Doctor visit weekly.

Our activities :-
Puppets, creative arts, Music Games area, cinema &garden area etc.
Swimming pool
Winter camp
Preparation for school interview
Open from 8:00 am to 3:00 pm 5 days a week,
Extra hours till 6 pm

Snow White Nursery

We providing healthy, safe, simulating and social environment
To prepare your child for school through modern educational means & techniques

Our tools:
* We offer three balanced meals (breakfast, lunch and snack)
* checkup on weekly basis
* Indoor and outdoor playing areas
* Air conditioned classrooms
* montessori educational program
* watch your child from home with (IP camera)
* French & English teachers
* Aerobics, music & arts activities
* reciting & memorizing Quran
* Sunny and airy gardens
* Potty Training
We receive children in the age of (3 month till 5 years) from Sunday to Thursday from (8am to 4pm)

Kids Lovers Academy
About KLA:
KLA has been established in 2012 starting with Mohandesin Branch, the 2nd branch in Haram started in 2015, the 3rd branch in Khamayl 6 October started in 2017 and in 2018 KLA started its 4th branch in Hadayk Elahram.

*Age of acceptance: 3 months till 4 years.
*Working days: Sunday to Thursday
*Working hours: 08:00 a.m to 04:00 p.m
*Extra hours: 07:00 am & late to 06:00 p.m (upon request)
*After School service.
*Unique summer & winter camp (4 years to 10 years)

We offer:
1- A qualified staff help fulfill our mission.
2- International education system.
3- Jolly phonics program.
4- A powerful English curriculum for school interview preparation.
5- French, Arabic & Religion sessions.
6- Montessori learning methods.
7- Art, cooking, drama, manners, mini science, aerobics and zumba classes.
8- Indoor events, trips and birthday parties.
9- Three balanced nutr itious meals.
10- Air-conditioned classes.
11- Healthy & safe playing area.
12- High hygiene standards.
13- All day camera-monitored classes.
14- Transportation service.
15- Special medical care.
16- Professional specialists to improve speech and manners (sessions)
The Smurfs Nursery

We are pleased to announce our special offer:
20% off
Ages: 1-5
English Courses
Creative writing
Art Sessions
Developing skills
Medical care
Extra Hour is available and transportation service.
Saturday daycare from 9 AM till 3 PM.

Bonny Academy

Holly Quran
English, Arabic, France, & Math’s
Arts and crafts
Montessori activities
Cooking and planting
Outdoor play area
Hot meals
Potty training
Entertainment parties and trips
Medical care
Daily reports
From newborns to after care
Day use
Summer camp
Winter camp

من نحن : -

خبرة ١٧ عام  بين ايديكم الان . فروعنا في الامارات و بيروت والعراق -

 -حضانة كبيرة ومثالية ورائعة بمساحة ٥٠٠ متر و مراقبة بمنظومة كاميرات ومزودة بنظام الاركان التعليمية حسب النظام العالمي لتعليم الطفل

كادر تعليمي محترف مربيات ومشرفات كفوءات . -

زي موحد للاطفال  .. -

 -نظافة مثالية .. تعقيم مستمر  .. تدفئة طول اليوم و مياه دافئة متوفرة شتاءاً .. تكييف مستمر صيفاً  . العاب مؤمنة وجميلة وحديقة كبيرة جداً .. مصلى ومكتبة .. حمامات مريحة و نظيفة .. صفوف واسعة ومرتبة .. قاعة طعام -


دروسنا :

‏Islamic -

‏English  -

‏Math -

‏Science  -

‏German -

‏French -

‏computer -


Ginger Academy Nursery

Nursery ,preschool and k.G1,k.G2

• The nursery  welcomes children from2 months till 4 years.


• We operate 5 days a week from Sunday b Thursday from 8:00am till 4:30pm.

• Our teachers are warm, presentable and distinguished for their fluency of languages.

• We work with a professional academic international curriculum that enables our children to pass school interviews successfully.

• We have professional teachers for learning (Quran, physical education, music and art).

• Our rooms are air-conditioned and well furnished.

• Doctor weekly visit and on call.

• We offer after school care and special winter/ summer camp.

• We serve four healthy fresh balanced meals.

• Our spacious garden is equipped for many outdoor activities and has a swimming pool in summer

We welcome children from the age ,, (Two months till 4,years)

We have #k.G1,, k.G2

Medical checkup is provided twice a week.

First language English second French or Dutch

Our team is highly trained and qualified.

Mother language Arabic and Quran.

We have three healthy meal

We have Art class ,hand craft, music class. open green area ,swimming pool, Toys room , computer class., gymnastics ,

We help your child depending on him self

We have specialized in behavior modification

Children whose have problems in talking .We help them. our nursery will be second home for our Child

R2M International Pre-school

R2M International Pre-school was originally named Jennifer's International Pre-school which was founded by our educational advisor, Jennifer Pates in 1999. It is a Pre-school of outstanding quality which has gained a very good reputation during the years of operating.

The children are supervised, coaxed and guided through the learning process by the medium of playing without feeling dominated, stifled or losing their individuality. As a result, the learning process becomes one of fun and children decide for themselves just how they want to be involved. They are encouraged to develop their characters, their personalities and their imagination by interaction with their peers and with the staff within the Nursery.
We ensure that the ratio of number of children to teachers is always at optimum. Too high a ratio means the children lose the sense of closeness between themselves and the teacher. Too low a ratio means that the sense of working together with other children in a group is also lost. Where appropriate, small groups are worked with and we use one-to-one teaching on a regular basis. We employ teachers who supervise and they are assisted by a group of assistants.
For Further details check our facebook page :
R2M international preschool formerly Jennifer’s


Cherries Nursery

1. Our Curriculum based on kindergarten curriculum Framework.
2. Montessori Classes
3. French & English sections
4. Accepts from the age of 3 months to preschool age
5. Monthly Newsletters
6. Pediatrician weekly visits
7. Three Nutritious Meals
8. Monthly events & Field Trips
9. Afterschool service and Camps.
10. Available extra hours till 6:00 pm

Charisma Islamic Academy

Are you looking for a different nursery? Are you looking for education, care, morals and making your child uniquely Charismatic? Well we bring the best in our children here at Charisma Academy!

Come check us out! Charisma Academy is eagerly waiting for your visit.

Our portfolio of DAILY services includes the following:

- Quran memorization, stories and learnings
- Arts and Crafts Class, building on our monthly theme and topic we are learning about
- Advanced Arabic and English Curriculums: Alphabet, numbers, words and more.
- Montessori Sessions that work with each child to better fit their unique personality
- Coaching Workshops for Children and Parents: How to handle and deal with your child and/or teenager, using the help of the BEST in the field of child psychology
- Physical Education Class with the help of professional trainers
- Winter and Summer Camps that bring us many creative fields ON CAMPUS! As well as mind-blowing, well-monitored trips to fantastic places.
- Stress-free Potty Training in collaboration with the parent, which includes positive methods to encourage our little ones.
- Transportation to Sheikh Zayed and 6th of October cities in air conditioned buses

Our staff members are highly qualified, passionate and extremely patient to cater uniquely to each of our little ones.

Whatever you'll need, you will find it right here at Charisma Academy!

Little Bee Nursery

Little Bee Nursery & Home schooling
We offer an international service at national fees.
L.B. Home schooling advantages:
- maintaining that numbers of children do not be more than 15 children / class.
-Foreign & Specialized teachers.
- Interest in the religious aspect & behavioral, development skills through sports activity.
- Holy Quran by through (Mind Mappings Method)
- We choose the best & perfect programs for both of English & Arabic languages.
L.B. Nursery advantages:
- Standalone building with a large garden 400m
- Special Sections for (Montessori & French)
-Winter & summer camps, after school, Swimming pool.
- Development of skills & behavior modification
-Medical care.