Panda Nursery academy

Panda Academy offers you the most powerful foundation lessons for the new curricula with a selection of the best teachers

Also, strengthening groups from the first grade of primary school to the fourth grade of primary school, and the first class is free for all students. Panda Academy announces lessons for the following subjects, Arabic and English, and arithmetic or Math, starting from the first grade of primary school, and there are lessons for science and studies starting from the fourth grade of primary school, and since lessons starting from the fourth grade of primary school. And we solved a big problem that parents face, which is homework

Your son or daughter will finish school and come to us to   do homework and study with her and go home to sleep

We also have classrooms for teachers at very symbolic prices that suit everyone, God willing

 Panda Academy wishes everyone success


Address : A pyramid order next to Total gas station, above Al-Ansar Mosque, the main pyramid

Phone :

Mobile : 01090688149

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