Al karma_International_Academy
Other than any place
It is not possible to find these offers anywhere
We have a discount that is not normal, but don't forget to ask about our annual discounts
Yes, as you have read, a discount on the monthly subscription for a year
And this is not a free course to qualify children for school entertainment as well
Karma is not anywhere and salvation
This is the best sterile place and its great cleanliness, other than adhering to all precautionary measures
This is other than many other things
Foundation in English - Arabic Math- french - Science
The nursery school depends on the latest learning program for communication between mother and child in modern education
The Montessori program for the development of children is very remarkably stronger than all directions on the international way.
There is a speech and behavior modification specialist, skills development and a psychological expert
Daily, evening and after school hosting.
Provide healthy meals to children
Outdoor Garden for Fun Games
Special birthday parties
Integrated Religious Care
Sports Gymnastics Swimming Karate In partnership with the Egyptian Federation
The strongest qualification to pass school exams easily
Etiquette and Behavior Curricula
Entertainment trips - Art activities - Weekly art day
The whole place is monitored by cameras
All seasons are air conditioned
With the application of all precautionary measures to preserve the safety of our children
If you are carrying them, they are the journey, we have a bus to every place that delivers your child and reassure him
Timings From 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM
There is an extra time until 6 pm
Come for yourself and see and judge the place where you yourself that your child grows..
We will miss you
Don't forget to subscribe to our offer for a whole year
To contact and inquire
First branch..
faisal printing station
The second branch..
Villa .. 8 Yanbu Street, off Al-Ansar Street - Dokki - next to the research station