Harley Nursery

Harley Nursery*

On the opening occasion all attendants will have the rest of September free without meals.

The second offer is a 15% discount.

We care academically about the advanced methods .

Montessori and Jolly Phonics.

Preparing the children for the schools interview .

Follow up with parents for everything related to the child, not only his general behavior in the nursery, but also If there is any complaint from the child.

we are in contact with  mothers and specialists regarding Sexual awareness and bullying seminars for children.

There are also parents seminars in raising children whether nutritional or psychological.

We notice the child early if he needs communication sessions or any other problems.

Skills development, entertainment activities, parties.

We accept children from 2 to 6 years old.

From Sunday to Thursday.

Extra hours from 4 pm to 8 pm,or till 9 pm with the management agreement.


Address : 13 Abdallah Al Nadim , El Bostan, Heliopolis,

Phone : 0226325111

Mobile : 01556683543

Email :