Oxford house academy

n  Oxford house academy we work on educating our kids in a unique procedure

‏* American Area (we teach our kids the real life activities)

‏* Fun time (story telling and sensory skills games)

‏*  Grandma time (teaching our kids manners through a role model)

‏*  Jolly phonics (teaching our kids how to write and read)

‏* Skills development (teaching our kids how to use their muscles and brain)

‏*  Educational games (teaching through games to support the academic curriculum)

‏*  Circle time (teaching our kids how to be confident and prepare for school interview)

‏*  Funday (themed funday for interactive games and fun education)

‏ Cooking time (teaching our kids cooking)

‏*  Academic time (teaching our kids themes, life, colours, numbers, and shapes to be ready for school interview)

We have a projector in each class to teach the child in a simplified way and in modern ways.

Each class has a special air conditioner and the whole place has good ventilation.

The whole place is monitored with cameras and equipped with the latest safety devices and fire extinguishers everywhere.


Address : Haram - the first Libyan tunnel Haram - next to Al-Dali Furniture - Al-Shaarawi Tower 2 - first floor

Phone :

Mobile : 01092267087 - 01092267075

Email :