New Cairo

NLP For Youth

Does your teen lack self-confidence?
Do they feel overwhelmed and unfocused?
Do they feel lost and don’t know what they want in life?
Are they unable to deal with bullying in school?
Do they have trouble setting their goals and achieving them?
Do you want them to overcome their limiting beliefs that are blocking them from moving forward in life?
Do they have trouble building rapport and forming relationships?

NLP is an applied psychology which enables them to understand how their mind works, use more of the useful things it does and helps them change the negative thinking and undesired behavior that affect their lives, and access their true potential.
NLP is all about putting themselves in charge of their brain and life .

This program is certified from INLPTA “International Neuro Linguistic Programing Trainer’s Association” USA

Neuro: The mind and how we think.
Linguistic: Language and non verbal communication and how we use it.
Programming: The programs and patterns we run in our lives.

Call now to know more and join the waiting list for this amazing program
Keinstein will make your child “superhero” of future robotics world .
Our kids will have creativity &fun learning by “MAKE IT YOURSELF”techniques.
Make your child ready for the future!!

Science !!
TEST YOURSELVES with practical experiments and be surprised with what SCIENCE CAN HELP YOU CREATE AND LEARN!!

YOGA & MEDITATION will help kids calm themselves & feel happy!
They will learn the basic postures and concepts of yoga in a fun and supportive environment .

As children practice skills that promote character development ,they build a reservoir of strength that they can draw on throughout their lives!!

عرض ال 1500 جنية بدلاً من 2250 رجع تاني الأماكن محدودة ولادنا هما اهم حاجه فى حياتنا ...... و دايما بنختارلهم الافضل ، علشان كده Eduplus هتساعد أولادكم يتكلموا إنجليزى صح ومن غير خوف و هما مبسوطين كمان من خلال البرنامج الصيفي للأطفال هنساعد الطفل انه يحب اللغة ويتكلم بيها على طول من غير خوف او خجل، ودا لاننا بنشتغل بأحدث طرق تعليمية ترفيهية للأطفال من خلال Video Songs وكمان Games تعليمية علشان يتفاعلوا و يمارسوا الانجليزى فى كل المواقف و هيتعلم ازاى ينطق الحروف والكلمات صح بطريقة سهلة وبسيطة مع افضل مدرسين اللغة الانجليزية المتخصصين فى التدريس للاطفال. كمان هيكون في محاضرات في تنمية وتطوير الذات زي مهارات التواصل الفعال ومهارات إدارة الوقت والعديد من الأنشطة والفعاليات المفيدة للطفل. طيب ليه تختار Eduplus لأولادك :- عدد الحضور لا يزيد عن 8 أطفال و بكده بتضمن ان ابنك يتكلم فترة أكبر. البرنامج يقدم للسنة الرابعة بعد نجاحه السنوات السابقة القاعات عندنا مزودة بـ السبورات الذكية مما يجعل المشاركة ممتعه ومسلية لطفلك.المدرسين حاصلين على شهادات دولية للتدريس للكبار و الأطفال. خصم خاص ولن يتكرر لأول 10 مشتركين سعر البرنامج بالكامل لمدة 3 شهور فقط 1500 جنيهاً للطفل بدلاً من 2250 جنيهاً واحصل على الكتاب و شهادة الحضور بنهاية البرنامج مجاناً كمان هتقدر تحضر محاضرة التربية الإيجابية مجاناً ودي بتكون للأبوين للحجز:- سجل بيناتك و احنا هانكلمك

ERA Workshops

We at ERA commit ourselves to tailor and design special training programs to help you develop self-awareness by fostering your strengths and diminishing your weaknesses in the most effective and positive ways, in which you can balance your everyday life and lead a better future for yourselves and others.

We inspire to develop and cultivate people beginning from early childhood phases towards adulthood through a set of programs that we have committed ourselves to design and tailor especially for you.

vision : ERA aims for a better community starting from better human beings

mission : ERA leads the way of self-discovery by offering unique training programs for the different stages of life for children, teenagers and adults, to ultimately introduce energetic and fruitful human beings to the community.

Our Mission

ERA leads the way to self-discovery by offering unique and customized training programs for the different stages of life: children, teenagers and adults, to ultimately induce energetic and fruitful human beings to the community.

Our Vision

ERA aims for a better community starting from better human beings.