Nasr City

Colon and anal surgery in Nasr City, thyroidectomy and breast tumors in Nasr City, laparoscopic cholecystectomy in Nasr City, hernia surgeries in children and adults in Nasr City, obesity and stomach stapling surgeries in Nasr City, breast and abdomen tightening in Nasr City

Dr Soliman Mohamed Soliman

Professor of Pediatric Surgery, General Surgery and Laparoscopic Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Al-Azhar Head of Pediatric Surgery in Al-Azhar Consultant of General Surgery and Pediatric Surgery at Al-Gomhoureya Hospital, Misr Children's Hospital and Arab Contractors, Committee Rapporteur for the Promotion of Pediatric Surgery

Vice president of Egyptian pediatric surgery association

Web :

Dr. Soliman Mohamed Soliman Ibrahim


دكتور سليمان محمد سليمان

استاذ جراحة الاطفال والجراحة العامة والجراحة العامة وجراحة المناظير بكلية طب الازهر

رئيس قسم جراحة الاطفال بطب الازهر

استشارى الجراحة العامة وجراحة الاطفال لمستشفى الجمهورية واطفال مصر ومستشفى المقاولون العرب