
In order to find the best surgeons specializing in general surgery, all you have to do is search in the Tanta directory. Tanta directory provides all the data for the best surgeons in Tanta from the addresses of doctors' clinics, the clinics ’location, the mobile numbers, and finally there are at night the services available for each clinic

Dr.Sherif Kamel Salem

Dr. Sherif Salem


General Surgery Specialist at the Medical Complex Hospital and Health Insurance in Tanta

Specialist in the following surgeries:

- General surgery for adults and children

Anal surgeries (hemorrhoids - fistula - fissures - narrow anus - anal prolapse)

Hernia surgeries (for children and adults) (umbilical, irregular, and incisional hernia)

Laparoscopic gallbladder surgery

Thyroid surgery

Augmentation surgery

Acute abdominal pain surgeries

Intestinal obstruction and its causes