
The directory of Tanta is available with the highest and best ophthalmologists, and with every ophthalmologist clinic in Tanta the most skilled scientific methods of treatment are available. Examining the strength of vision used to describe the appropriate medical glasses, fundoscopy used to ensure the integrity of the retina and optic nerve, Measurement of intraocular pressure to check for some diseases that cause high internal pressure of the eye, such as glaucoma and others, by means of a pressure measuring device. Measuring visual acuity or field of vision through a Snellen board consisting of letters of different sizes and directions and graduated from top to bottom. The Tanta guide provides everything related to every eye doctor clinic, including numbers, addresses and location.

Dr.Rabab Mohamed El soht
Prof. Rabab Muhammad Al-Saht, Children's Eye Center Professor of pediatric ophthalmology     Faculty of... Medicine, Tanta University The center has the honor to provide the following services for the health of our children's eyes: Early diagnosis and treatment of congenital and hereditary cataract resulting from the injury - Measurement of refraction of the eye and the strength of corneal curvature with the latest portable devices for children Early detection of congenital eye defects and examination of newborns Early detection and treatment of lazy eye Training and visual rehabilitation for the visually impaired Diagnosis and treatment of amblyopia caused by poor vision Also available is the latest ultrasound device on the eye - Ultrasound on the eye, bio-microscopic imaging of the eye, UBM, and measuring the power of the lens.     more
Dr.Mohamed Taha Masood
Dr. Muhammad Taha Masoud Master's degree in ophthalmology Specialist and Head of Ophthalmology Departme...nt at Medical Complex Hospital and Health Insurance Vision correction and LASIK White water suction with sound waves Ultralasek, femtolysis, superficial LASIK Keratoconus surgeries - Corneal fixation, corneal transplantation Lens implantation Cataract surgeries     more