Keep pace with the times everywhere
Excellent student service for 20 years
Luxurious accommodation rooms
Excellent hotel service
Sterilization at the highest level
5 operating theaters
Department of nurseries at the highest level
Equipped intensive care
24 hour emergency
Keep pace with the times everywhere
Excellent student service for 20 years
Luxurious accommodation rooms
Excellent hotel service
Sterilization at the highest level
5 operating theaters
Department of nurseries at the highest level
Equipped intensive care
24 hour emergency
Free ambulance service for hospital care cases
We are pleased to serve you in the following specialties: - Outpatient clinics. - Medical analysis laboratories. - Integrated radiology center. - Brain, nerve and bone surgeries. - Integrated dental center. - Integrated dialysis unit. - A unit for premature infants. - Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology.
Taiba Hospital for medication consumption and comprehensive care for you and your family Taiba Hospital guarantees a group of the best doctors, consultants and specialists at the highest level in all specialties (sciatica - bones - children and newborns - - teeth - ophthalmia - nose and ears - treatment - natural nutrition - internal medicine - digestive system and liver - diabetes - kidneys - urinary tract - General Surgery - Plastic Surgery - Vascular Surgery)
24 hrs at your service because your Health is our concern and your Treatment is our mission