Tanta directory is one of the most important directories that provide the best pediatricians in Tanta. Tanta directory also provides addresses of children's clinics in Tanta, mobile and land numbers for clinics, addresses of clinics and locations of children's clinics in Tanta. Pediatrics is a branch of medicine that is concerned with child care. Therefore, it includes various aspects of the child's physical and psychological development and health, including the treatment of diseases, disabilities and various diseases. It often extends to preventive healthcare.
Doctor Hisham El-Sayed Sharif
Consultant pediatrics and neonatology
In educational hospitals and General Minshawi
PhD in pediatrics and neonatology
Diploma in Pediatric Diabetes and Endocrinology
Pediatric nutrition diploma
Member of the Egyptian Society of Pediatrics
TV screening
Measuring the level of yellow blood in newborns with the device
Eshraqa Nursery Center
Phototherapy for yellow cases
Dr. Sherif Louise, Consultant Pediatrician and Pediatric Allergy ⬅️ Qutour Branch - Army Street - Dr. Louise Clinic ⬅️ Tanta branch - the intersection of Hassan Ibn Thabet with Amr Abdel Aziz, Dr. Sherif Louise clinic
Consultant of Pediatrics and Neonatology (Cairo University)
Member of the Egyptian Society of Pediatrics
There is a contract with all medical insurance companies