Haram Faisal Alex Desert Road

شركه AIM

للخدمات التعليميه والاستشارات والتدريب واحده من ابرز الشركات المصريه المساهمه 

منذ تأسيسها في 14/8/2018 وتعمل علي العديد من المسارات المحققه لرؤيتها الراميه 

لان تكون الاولي في مجال تقديم البرامج التدريبيه المتخصصه واستشارات التطوير المتميزه 

للافراد والمؤسسات علي اختلاف انواعها محليا واقليميا وعالميا

Fadl Modern Schools

About Fadl Modern Schools : 


Primary Boys

Primary Girls

Elementary Boys

Elementary Girls

Girls in School

Obtained on the quality of preschool children

Zein College Language Schools

Zein College Language Schools


. OF. A PERFECT. EDUCATIONAL. ESTABLISHMENT. Creat anuturing. Learning. And. Educational. Enviroment. Where. Students, faculty. And. Families. Cooperate. To develop. And. Ensure. Ultimate. Excellence. Superiority. And. Will. Being, both. Educationally. And. Behaviour Wise

. OF. A PERFECT. EDUCATIONAL. ESTABLISHMENT. Creat anuturing. Learning. And. Educational. Enviroment. Where. Students, faculty. And. Families. Cooperate. To develop. And. Ensure. Ultimate. Excellence. Superiority. And. Will. Being, both. Educationally. And. Behaviour Is


but an extremely important stepping stone. We are the solid foundations that provide our students with a recipe to succeed in life, in order to develop as individual.

Green Community School

Green Community School, Ethical, challenging and Healthy atmosphere, Educational, cultural and recreational field trips, Air Conditioned and monitored classrooms with interactive teaching / learning tools, Character Building Programme, Expat and native staff members who are highly qualified and experienced in the new teaching methods

Wiseness Language School

About Wiseness Language School : 

What Makes Our School Better?

- Reasonable School Fees

- Sufficient Staff 

- Internet follow up

- Modern Techniques of Education

- Specialized Educational Administration

- Medical Care

- Football Leagues

- Cultural Forums

- internal and External Educational Competitions

- Modern Buses for Different Destination

Middle East Schools MES


About Middle East Schools : 

sponsoring sports days on regular basis 
applying reality simulation techniques for maximum perception 
Having parents open days twice a year to have a shared familial experience 
Embracing Students Habits by Having Musical, Art, Sports, & theatrical Teams 
Highly advanced Science & Languages ​​labs with smart Boards Support
Supporting students Exchange programs in the USA & The European Union
for the pioneer student in Association with AFS Egypt & Kennedy-Lugar
Supporting summer activities programs in the USA & The European Union
for the pioneer students in Association with The Egyptian sea scout &
AFS Egypt organizations
Offering interactive curriculums for all subjects in all stage
to provide the maximal benefits from the Smart boards systems all
along with any updates for it in association with the Technological
development center in the Ministry of Education
The latest smart classes system operating by Smart boards plus Intel
class management system all along with Educational Tablets & Class
mates supported by Ministry and international curriculums in
association with Intel educational solutions & Technological
development center in the ministry of education
Offering Foreign Teachers in KGs Stage and for the phonics
curriculum from the primary till the secondary stage
Applying the Montessori system for the students from ages 3 to 5 years
in KGs stage
Offering E-Learning communication
system with the parents & students through Android & Apple Ios
notifications system
Students have to speak in English at all times except in Arabic
speaking classes


El Alson British & American International School
  • Mission To achieve our vision, we will prepare our students to become independent learners with the desires, the skills, and the abilities necessary for lifelong learning. This will require creating a learning environment which is centered around students, directed by teachers, and supported by home and community. Our Vision Children are our future. We Are dedicated to their excellence. Our ground-breaking campus offers a wide spectrum of facilities and resources that combine an excellent education with state-of-the-art infrastructure. We encourage our students to explore their interests and unleash their full potential, offering them the opportunity to take advantage of our extensive learning opportunities and resources We believe the diversity of the students studying at EL ALSSON American & British School. Through social interaction and by studying and experiencing other cultures and belief systems, this rich diversity will install a unique international understanding in your child – just what they need to succeed in an increasingly globalized changing world. Your child will also become an important part of the global network of award-winning EAS schools, comprised of more than 250,000 students from over 150 nations, studying in 14 countries around the world. This cross-cultural experience is further enhanced by special initiatives, which link our students to other non-EAS schools around the world. EAS School EAS American & British School – The EAS network includes schools in: • Egypt • France • India • Kenya • Malaysia • Saudi Arabia • Singapore • Switzerland • Uganda • UAE • USA • UK • Australia
Royal House Language School

Royal House is a private language school established in 2003, located in Mariouteya, Saqqara touristic road in Giza.We provide co-education for all stages starting from Pre-school (2.5 years old) up to Secondary stage. We teach (Oxford Discover) in the primary stage and (On Screen) in the prep and secandary stages as the English Advanced Level curriculum alongside with the Egyptian Ministry of Education curriculum. French or German is taught as a second language starting from first primary. Our spacious classrooms are well-equipped with smart boards and computers. We have our own LMS to reach out to our dear students online and to provide them with all the needed material for good quality education.