New Cairo

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The International School of Choueifat

 aPremier Education
On Campus & Online 
Enrolling KG-Grade 12 
AY 2020-2021
Founded in 2003, The International School of Choueifat – City of 6 October (ISC-6 October) is a member of the global SABIS® Network and offers a world-class education to students in Kindergarten to Grade 12. Our students are part of a vibrant community of learners on a state-of-the-art campus and matriculate to the best universities in Egypt and around the world.
Students studying at ISC-6 October benefit from a top-quality education available on campus, online, and as a hybrid model, that fosters academic excellence, the development of important life skills, and overall wellbeing and personal growth.
International, college-preparatory curriculum
Hybrid model for online and on campus learning
Cutting-edge classroom technology & e-learning platform
Proven track-record of academic excellence & top university acceptances 
State-of-the-art campus facilities
Engaging student life program 
Wide range of extra-curricular activities 

Royal College International School
For every child there is a story and your story starts here....
60 Years of Educational Excellence Member of AlHussan Network
We seek to set each of our students on the path to lifelong learning and create an environment that is caring and nurturing, as we believe education is about the "whole person". Each child is identified as being unique and different each learning and inspired in different ways.
We promote opportunities to celebrate the qualities that make each of us unique.
At The Royal College International School, we believe:
- All students can learn and realize their full potential.
- A safe and stimulating environment promotes quality education.
- In respecting cultural and individual differences.
- All stakeholders share the responsibility for advancing our mission.
- In preparing students to pursue further educational goals.
- Commitment to continuous improvement is imperative..
Our Vision
Leaders of excellence in International Education
Our Mission
The Royal College International School provides high quality education through a safe, stimulating, and Multicultural environment to prepare leaders for a global society.
Prime International School

To Become A Leading International School Of Education Recognized For Its Diversity And Known For Excellence In Teaching And Learning And Aspiring To Be Active Learners And Critical Thinkers With Our Ever-Changing Global Society.

  • Educational and entertaining activities.
  • Entertainment and educational shows.
  • Summer courses.
  • School chorus.
  • Recreational and educational trips.
  • Student Activities (Art - Music - H.E - P.E – Library - Computer).
  • Educational and sports competitions.
  • Quran competitions.
  • Classroom and extra-curricular activities.
  • Educational and social seminars.

Training teachers on the latest teaching strategies

QAITBAY Schools, Language and American Divisions

QAITBAY Schools, Language and American Divisions
Our mission
The QPLS will provide all children a safe, enjoyable, and challenging school environment where they have the opportunity to achieve their maximum individual education potential. All students will receive a balanced education, where traditional scholastic is taught, to prepare, inspire, and empower them to become lifelong learners, to succeed in a changing world, and to be responsible citizens in a global community.
Our vision
Offering each student safe, and supportive environment, which treats each student as a unique individual, and challenges all students to excel academically. At the same time, provides all students with necessary knowledge and skills to reach their potential in a global community

Akhnaton Egyptian College School

Akhenaten School
American and national divisions

- Accreditation: Cognia

Do you want to pass from child to child to child, through the years of his life terrifyingly.
Campus area: square feet
Fully equipped science laboratories
- computer labs
- Libraries
Music rooms
The hall / theatre
- football fields
- football fields
- Swimming pool
- buses

Manor House International Schools





About Manor House International Schools :










the premise of "know they self" is our main belief.





The Advanced Quality Assurance Review Team Commends MHIS for:





The school community has created a nururing, student - centered culture of collaboration and team work that is dedicated to instilling the values ​​of mutual respect, understanding og egyptian and arab culture, history and traditions, appreciation of diversity and tolerance, and building character and self concept.








Al Kamal Language Institute

نبذة عن معاهد الكمال الأزهرية :-
المعهد يقوم بتدريس مناهج الأزهر الشريف
المعهد حاصل علي شهادة الجودة
يقبل المعهد الأطفال من عمر ثلاث سنوات وستة أشهر في مرحلة kg1
الأقسام التعليمية بالمعهد : - منتسوري – Semi American – لغات – عربي نتميز بمدرسين ذوي تخصص وخبرة ومهارات متميزة وأنشطة كثيرة ومتنوعة .
ويوجد حمام سباحة مسخن و ملاعب مجهزة .
1. تربية النشئ علي القيم الدينية والتحلي بالروح الرياضية وسلوك المواطنة خلال مختلف سنوات الدراسة.
2. تنمية المهارات الأساسية وبخاصة المهارة اللغوية والعددية والحركية .
3. توثيق الأتصال بالبيئة علي أساس تنويع المجالات العلمية والمهنية بما يتفق مع ظروف البيئات المحلية والعالمية .
4. ربط التعليم بحياة الناشئين وواقع البيئة التي يعيشون فيها .
تنمية الذوق الأبداعي والمهارات الإبتكارية والعمل اليدوي لدي الطلاب.
معاهد الكمال الأزهرية الخاصة

Al Azhar Language Institute

We Offer:
- Qualified teachers.
-High quality education.
-Well-equipped phonics & computer labs.
-Sports & cultural activities.
-Multimedia room.
-Playing area.
Extra Activities:
-Mothers` open days.
- Fun days.
-KG2 Graduation ceremony.
-Physical Education
Our curriculum:
-English: Strong British curriculum that enhances the students` critical thinking and enables them to cope with different cultures.
-Quran: Special curriculum
(Manners & Tajweed ).
-Arabic: Distinctive curriculum.

Tajan Azharian Language Institute


إن ما نصبوا إليه من إنشاء معاهد تاجان الازهرية للغات هو أكبر من أن يكون عملا تربوياً راقيا أو تأهيلاً علميا متطوراً أو تعليمياً دينياً متميزاً، إنه كل ذلك معاً وفوق ذلك فإن "تاجان" منظومة ثقافية حضارية متكاملة يراد منها أن تصبح علامة فارقة في بناءوتنمية جيل مسلم واعد يتوج بتاج العلم وتاج الإيمان


اخراج طلائع مسلمة واعدة تتوج بتاج العلم وتاج الإيمان. إيجاد منظومة تربوية متكاملة تكون بما تقدمه من عطاء متميز علاقة فارقة في عالم التربية وقدوة تحتذى في ميدان التعليم. تغذية البيئة المحيطة بالنشئ والمؤثرة فيه بما يجعله صالحة لإثبات الأجيال وتنميتها بشكل صحي.

اكاديمة تاجان الرياضيه

رؤيتنا :

تكوين بيئة رياضىية اجتماعية متميزة لمزاولة الرياضة تخدم الأسر المصرية

رسالتنا :

 تهيئة البيئة الرياضية المناسبة لكافة الأعمار من الجنسين من خلال الإعتماد على المدربيين الأكفاء المتخصصين و المؤهلين لتنفيذ البرامج العلمية للأنشطة الرياضية المختلفة

أنشطة الأكاديمية

- سباحة (مدارس و فرق)

- الجمباز (مدارس فرق)

- كرة سلة (مدارس و فرق)

- كرة قدم (مدارس وفرق)

- كونغ فو (مدارس وفرق)

- جودو – باتيناج – قوس وسهم – باركور – إعداد بدنى – تنس أرضى – تنس طاولة

- اللياقة البدنية والدفاع عن النفس والباليه للسيدات من خلال

Metropolitan School

Metropolitan School will deliver an outstanding international education whilst ensuring that Egyptian values are central to school life, stretching the minds of our students to equip them with both a passion for learning and the ambition to make a difference to the local and global communities.All students will have the opportunity to become involved in community service projects making a difference to the lives of people who are less fortunate than themselves.We will educate with the philosophy of building a new generation of entrepreneurs, by encouraging the spirit of entrepreneurship.


Metropolitan School will follow the American Curriculum .Teaching our children to ask questions and discover ways of improving the status quo from an early age.Founded by a family with 60 years of experience in the private education sector.Metropolitan School aims to deliver a truly outstanding education, building skills for future success.


Al Bashaer International School

 our mission is to build a generation who:

believes in God&obeys him lovingly&choosingly.

is updated with the latest scientific developments & technology.

is open up to the whole world &broad-minded enough to cope with people from different cultures & backgrounds.loves nature & is proactively interacting with the surroundings.


our vision :

To present the illuminating philosophy of Islamic education and be one of the moderate Islamic schools in Egypt. 

To compete with other international academic schools (within 3 years).

To establish international exchange pro-grams for students and teachers with Islamic and non-Islamic countries and institutions that are mutually supportive of the quest for educational excellence (within 10 years).

To construct a university or an institute that follows the same objective of the school (10 years).

Nile International College


NIC is a candidate school for the International Baccalaureate (IB) Primary Years
Programme and pursuing authorization as an IB World School
NIC aims at developing distinguished adults who are inquirers, knowledgeable, open-minded and respect different cultures whilst at the same time are proud of their cultural identity. NIC nurture intellectual curiosity and actively involve students to create positive attitude and critical thinking as lifelong learners.

NIC strives to develop citizens who are caring, self-confident, happy, reflective and disciplined learners that can contribute to their society and make the world a better place


The Egyptian Language School
  • Highly qualified teachers mastering English language
  • Wide range of co-curricular activities Drama, research work, projects, presentations
  • Extra curricular activities: clubs, sports, art, music, journalism,….etc
  • Character building
  • French/German taught as a 2nd language starting 3rd primary.
Al Andalus International School


Our Vision
The School adopts a methodical 
pre-planned approach harmonizing 
between academic Curricula and extra 
Curricular Activities. 
We Strive for the highest expectations in Academic and Personal 
Development for Both Teachers and 
We Continuously seek Improvement 
by Keeping up to date with Current 
International Development to 
Advance in Modern Technology 
and Education 
  (Tarbiyyah '+ Taleem)
Goals and Objectives:
he School Aims to Achieve its 
Mission through the Goals: 
Utilize ISLAMIC Beliefs in Daily Life. 
Uphold the Islamic Tradition of Great Respect for Knowledge and open Spirit of inquiry. 
Communicate Proficiently using the English Language and Ensure all Students' First 
Language are Supported to Great Extent. 
Support the Role of Extracurricular Activities 
in Enabling Students to Explore Interests and to Cultivate Unique Skills.
Sports Facilities: 
Large Field of Soccer-Basketball-Handball and all Sorts of Ball Games. 
Academic Facilities: 
The Academic Building is Equipped with State of the Art Teaching Equipment, manipulative, Montessori Corners and Learning Aids. 
There are Exclusive Libraries, Art, Studios, Fully Equipped Science Labs, Computer Labs, Multimedia room.
Green Heights International School

About Green Heights Language School : 

Green Heights Language School was established in the year 2000. We offer a semi international educational program that combines the features of the national program in addition to the linguistic strength of the international curriculum. This unique educational program prepares our students well, to face future challenges in their careers. 

The School's Motto is "We Create Future Leaders" that's why our emphasis is not only educational but also teaching positive participation, creativity, self esteem, critical thinking and self discipline. This is achieved through our well trained and qualified teachers and staff.

Dr. Nermien Ismail Language Schools - NIS

About Dr. Nermien Ismail Schools 

NIS Early Years is Designed to bring out the very best in Students Create Happy, Confident, and Motivated Children 
Independent Expression 
innovative problem solving 
Decision Making 
Principled and Caring 
are the unique cornerstones that form our educational program and are part of the planned curriculum, entwined into the very fabric of school life from as early as Kindergarten. As a Result our Motivated Students Become Knowledgeable, Confident, Responsible and life-long learners with a Strong sense of self respect, whilst being totally prepared for the diverse and challenging world ahead.

The International School Of Egypt

Welcome to the International School of Egypt’s website!  You are also welcome to come see our energetic and dedicated students at work in a most beautiful school facility.  Catch the remarkable enthusiasm and vision of the parents, students and staff of ISE! We provide the best in international and American education for Egyptians and other international guest families in Cairo. ISE is a dream come true for a man who wanted to give back to his country some of the great opportunity with which he had been blessed. 

He dreamed of providing a beautiful setting for children to learn and become the kind of citizens who will make a difference as the leaders of tomorrow. 

Lycee International Balzac school

Le Lycée International Balzac :

est un établissement scolaire privé, de droit local égyptien. Il prépare les enfants de toutes nationalités à une formation d’excellence en français et arabe.
assure l’enseignement de l’arabe, de l’anglais et de l’espagnol.
dispense les programmes officiels d’enseignement générale du Ministère de l’éducation nationale française.
favorise l’ouverture des savoirs et sensibilise les élèves à une approche interculturelle par le biais des voyages scolaires en France et dans différents pays.
propose diffèrentes activités périscolaires selon les différentes classes d’âge : football, basketball, tennis de table, karaté, ballet et théâtre.
en septembre 2006, il est entré dans le réseau des établissements de la Mission laïque française par affiliation. Elle préconise une école respectueuse de la liberté de conscience de chacun et qui éduque les élèves en « deux cultures et trois langues ».


Modern English School
  • Modern English School Cairo is a learning community which provides a high quality education from Foundation Stage One to university entrance level.
Global Paradigm School

In Global Paradigm International School the love and lure for learning is nurtured and fostered in a way where the individual acquires confidence and competence. In an enriched diverse community of students, teachers and parents, we, at GPIS, value every individual as an independent thinker and decision maker. We encourage respecting differences of others yet treasuring one’s own...

The American International School

The American International School in Egypt (AISE) provides a comprehensive and challenging American and international educat

Salahaldin International Turkish School

School Year and School Day Schedule

The academic school year consists of 172 instructional school days. The regular school day runs from 7:30 to 2:30 from Sunday to Wednesday. Students are dismissed at 1:30 p.m. on Thursdays. Report cards are issued three times a year at the end of each trimester and parents are invited to discuss their child’s progress during parent/teacher conference which is held once every trimester.

Teacher workdays are scheduled at times throughout the year as well as a general two week orientation/in-service at the beginning of the academic year. Every Thursday from 1:30 pm to 3:30 p.m. is set aside for professional development workshops, staff meetings, and committee meetings.

Each school section maintains a master schedule of classes.

The Kindergarten department maintains a schedule of 29 lessons per week, each session being 45 minutes. The Elementary department maintains a schedule of 39 lessons per week, each session being 40 minutes in duration, and the Middle/High School department maintains a schedule of 34 lessons per week, each session being 50 minutes.