Haram Faisal Alex Desert Road

Knowledge Valley International School

Knowledge Valley School was established in September 2008 in a countryside area about thirty minutes from Central Cairo. The school is considered one of very few Egyptian prominent figures in the field of education.
What makes KVS a unique learning organization is its competitive characteristics, where we compete not only with the Egyptian International schools, but also with the international schools teaching standards. The school has the privilege of having spacious, uncrowded and well equipped classes with smart boards attached to high quality speakers to develop the listening skills.
Moreover, our staff is supported with well experienced consultants who make sure that the selected teaching approaches are according to the latest standards implemented worldwide. In addition, our selected books and e-books ensure best learning quality as they are tackling higher order thinking skills, building inquiry and problem solving competencies which are instilled in our students’ minds from a very early stage.
Knowledge Valley School doesn’t only put academics as its first priority, but focuses on building students’ character as well. This is done through special sessions for character building, supported by practical work during activities.
In KVS young learners are considered our main responsibility as we’re aware that we’re shaping their characters; hence, their learning approach advocates choosing teaching methods which ensures having fun and promoting life-long learning.
The school follows the National Curriculum and Overseas Curriculum for England and is registered as an Examination Center for IGCSE offered by Cambridge, Oxford and EDEXCEL examination boards. In addition, students learn French and German from a very early stage; they sit for the French DELF exam or FIT German exam according to their choice. Consequently, students finish our schools with great fluency in English, French and German.
Having your child in KVS ensures having a son or daughter who is ready to cope with future challenges and can compete with any student world-wide.

Queen International School - American Division
Queen International School
Is a private international school, which offers an educational program from kindergarten through Secondary for students of all nationalities.
The school was founded in 1993. We are responsible for providing the best standards of education & different facilities for our students.
Our main target is to achieve the student's progress & improvement.
Our goal is to foster a civilized & respectable citizen in a cooperative society.
The school is divided into 4 sections which are National department, American department, Nursery , and Special needs .
*All Stages are Available.
*The National Department is accredited by NAQAA & the American Department is accredited by Cognia.
At Queen International School, our students receive a well-rounded education that prepares them for success in a complex and interconnected world.
We offer a rigorous and comprehensive curriculum that meets the highest educational standards, as well as a wide range of extracurricular activities that encourage creativity, leadership, and community service. Our dedicated teachers and staff are committed to providing a safe, supportive, and inclusive learning environment where every student can thrive. 
Now accepting applicants for the new academic year 2024-2025
Queen International School  (National Division)
Queen International School
The school is licensed by the Ministry of Education and provides educational and pedagogical services to people with special abilities of all kinds (Down, autism, learning difficulties, slow learning, and learnable CP cases). The school applies the Ministry of Education’s curricula with a full school day system and grants an industrial apprenticeship certificate that is equivalent to vocational preparatory school.
 In addition to providing:
1-Treatment sessions for speech problems and delayed speech 
2- Behavior modification sessions
3-Occupational therapy sessions
4-Skills development 
5- Psychoeducational evaluations
6-The school day includes various activities (art education - music education - physical education - computers - home economics)
7-An outdoor sports day is allocated to go to the club to train in swimming and athletics
8-Summer Club
Westcliff International School

مدرسة ويست كليف من أحدث المؤسسات التعليمية المتكاملة، التي تهتم بكل الجوانب الأساسية للطالب.
هدفنا تأسيس الطالب بطريقة جديدة ومبتكرة لتجعله فرد مؤثر في المجتمع عن طريق اتباع مناهج دراسية مميزة وهم:
المنهج الأكاديمي البريطاني [IGCSE]: ينفرد النظام البريطاني بأنه يساعد الطالب على الاعتماد على الفهم أكثر وإختيار المواد بشكل محدد، وإعتماده عالمياً يتيح للطالب متابعة دراسته في أي جامعة بالعالم بدون الحاجة لمعادلة 
المنهج التربوي الكندي :متميز بتأهيل سيكولوجية الطالب وتأهيله إجتماعياً من خلال الأنشطة اللتي تساعد على رفع مستواه النفسي و الجسدي وبمشاركة أولياء الأمر أيضاً

بمناسبة الإفتتاح: تعلن مدرسة ويست كليف عن خصومات حتى 40% للمصاريف الدراسية لأوائل الطلبة المقبولين
لمزيد من المعلومات برجاء زيارة موقعنا www.westcliffschool.com

El-Saudi Language School


* A.L Oxford Discover & Connect Plus
* O.L. Connect.
* French & German.
* Holy Qura'n .
* Sports activities.
* Free courses in summer.

Kaizen Language School

Our Facilities
 At KAIZEN  language school, we have miscellaneous facilities to support the academic process such as:  
-Sport court.
-Differentiated playgrounds.
-Well-equipped science labs.
-Advanced ICT labs.
-Montessori & Activities room.
-Phonics & listening sessions.
-Fully-furnished clinic.
-Music & Art  rooms.
-Library and Bookstore.
-Food court.
-Cafeteria that serves premium quality of food.


Nasr Language Schools
*بعد اكثر من 35 عاما من الخبره الميدانيه في مجال التعليم تعلن مدرسه نصر الخاصه عن افتتاح قسم خاص للغات للعام الدراسي الجديد 2025 - 2024
*ونظرا لمساهمه مدارس مصر الخاصه في تخرج العديد من الأجيال على مر سنوات طويلة  تخوض تحدى جديد بافتتاح  قسما خاصا للغات لاعداد اجيال جديده قادره على التعامل مع تحديات العصر برؤيه تعليميه شامله مدعومه بتوفير المتطلبات الحديثه من انشاءات واستراتيجيات تعليميه متطوره تواكب تكنولوجيا العصر والتقنيات الحديثه حيث توفر المدرسه الملاعب الخاصه لكره القدم والسله والطائرة وغيرها  من الرياضات المختلفة بالاضافه الى الحدائق والمساحات الخضراء لممارسه الانشطه التعليميه المختلفه والمكتبات ومعامل الحاسب الالي ومعامل المواد العلميه اضافة الى الفصول المجهزه على الطراز الحديث التي تشمل على السبوره الذكيه والبرمجيات المختلفه التي تناسب طرق التعليم الحديثه
*وما نهدف له وخلق بيئه تحفيزيه لتوفير افضل تعليم لطلابنا عن طريق تطوير مهاراتهم وبناء شخصيتهم وتوفير بيئه تعليميه وترفيهيه لتعزيز تحفيز الطلاب ومشاركتهم  وتعاونهم
*ان توفير كل الوسائل التعليميه المختلفه والامكانات اللازمه تعزز من نجاح العمليه التعليميه وتحقيق الاهداف التعليميه وهذا ما نحققه ونستمر فيه مع طلابنا وبشكل اكبر في تجربتنا الجديده من خلال خبراتنا الطويله
El-Quadah Language Schools

Our school
Was founded in 1992 and is located on Cairo Alex road 2.5 km.from ElRemaya Square away  from all sorts of pollution and noise . 
The school was built on a wide area of 24.818 sqm, with vast areas of greenery to enjoy the peacefulness and the healthy environment. This of course helps to ensure creativity

Distinctive Educational Quality
We applied technology – enhanced classrooms in which classmates and smart boards became part of our educational system. Thus our students find no need for school books and copybooks. The students are enjoying learning through technology without having the panic of carrying heavy school bags .
We built a highly advanced school computer lab that enables our students to keep up with modern technology
We guide all students to up to date methodologies in education and process

The school offers many playgrounds; basketball, volleyball , and football courts. The school also offers table tennis and billiard yards to ensure the best recreation for our students

The American division
 The American education system is applied.
Common core state standards curricula are followed . 
The American division is from kindergarten to high school, where students achieve the Advanc-ED certified American diploma .
The National division : 
The Egyptian ministry of education  Curricula are applied from Kindergarten To high school . 
   These curricula are taught using Advanced smart learning methods .
Also, our A-level curricula are all Updated yearly to keep pace with the Linguistic developments around us .

valley language schools

School History 
Valley language school opened in 1987 on an area of 8600 meter in nazlet elbatran, Haram, Giza .
As a language and international school.
There used to be an IGCSE section.
The school currently serves 1577 students in three different divisions, Arabic, language and American Division.
The school boasts two large academic buildings of five floors including administrative offices that also houses the school science and media labs, a performing arts room.

Our vision
Valley language school aims to get its students ready for future challenges both educationally and psychologically. We are aware of our students' needs, skills and we are trying hard to improve their strength and support them to have their full opportunity to make great contributions in the world of diversity for better future

Our mission 
We aim to have active learners who are not afraid of taking risks, and implement differentiation in teaching, encourage creativity, respect people and their community, ensure the quality of education, put in our consideration our culture and identity.

Al Jazeera Language School

Al – Jazeera Language School


Our vision is for each child to develop a curiosity of learning discover their interests, ready to meet the challenges of the future, develop their knowledge, critical thinking skills to adapt with the technological advanced world


* Develop professional dispositions that help them to recognize and utilize the funds of knowledge culturally and linguistically diverse families and communities.

* Our school creates a pathway to assist students in achieving their educational and personal goals loading to a fulfilling future within the greater community.

*Our school will foster an environment to nurture individuals academically, socially and emotionally so that they are equipped to a tackle academic challenges  to a tackle academic challenges and become productive members of society.

*Provide exceptional care to children while fostering each child`s intellectual, social, physical and moral development in a rich Academic Environment 

AlAlson Azhari Language Schools

AlAlson Azhari Language Schools
Kindergarten - Primary - Preparatory
You can now apply to enroll in the new academic year.  To apply, kindly visit the school.
Transportation offered to various locations

Dar Al Maaref Language Schools

We strive to prepare all students to become lifelong learners and responsible citizens ready to meet the challenges of the future. 
Our mission is to work together to build a safe and respectful environment focused on providing exceptional care to children while fostering each child’s intellectual, social, physical and moral development and to prepare them to be productive. 
Our mission is to work together to build a safe and respectful environment focused on providing exceptional care to children while fostering each child’s intellectual, social, physical and moral development and to prepare them to be productive. 
We believe that every child has the right to : Feel included, secure and valued. Our mission is to work together to build a safe and respectful environment focused on providing exceptional care to children while fostering each child’s intellectual, social, physical and moral development and to prepare them to be productive. know they have a voice, feel heard and that they Con make a difference! Respect themselves, their communities and environment.! Be Courageous and take risks, challenging themselves and each other! Develop a lifelong love of learning.


Glory Language School


A Professional English

Language Skills Program. Adds a different view of

language usage through

Suitable Curriculum

Suitable Professional Staff suitable applications using visual aids and



French / German programs in a competence way of

teaching as a second


A Creative way of

enhancing students using

mathematical logical



G: Genius Application learning as a lifelong activity

L: Learning to develop the

personality and the character through self confidence self esteem , self respect and self discipline

O: Optimistic atmosphere to develop and support talented students

R: Reliable educational

systems to enrich the

educational process

Y: Your son is ours


our school aims to

provide our students

with challenging

standard of education

 and values using high

technology (Smart boards – lab – tablet)

In a modern enjoyable and secure environment



Selecting a professional academic and administrative staff that play a key role in

attaining our school’s mission by creating a warm creative environment Activities:

developing the scientific inquiry skills

Music workshops are for singing and playing instruments in an interesting way fun days are one of the most effective methods in developing the educational process through fun


Future Integrated Language School


School facilities

Our school presents many facilities for students:

  • We have a smart board in each class.
  • There are two gardens for KG stages and 3 playgrounds for the rest of the stages.
  • We have two libraries for different stages.
  • We have well-established computer labs. 
  • We have a sturdy curriculum (Cambridge Little Steps) for the KG stage in addition to the supplementary booklets to enrich this curriculum, and completing our educational journey all over the stages using accredited advanced level of English language books.
  • The school has a well-established skills room which is well activated to help in building the students’ minds. It’s divided into two parts (indoor and outdoor).
  • We have a special care for all religions.
  • We have manners sessions and a special curriculum (Ideal behavior and character building).
  • We care about the students' hygiene all over the day and we have a resident doctor at school.
  • We have a psychiatrist who helps in solving the troubles that the students face.
  • The students study German and French during kg stage. After that they choose one language based on their preferences.
  • We always motivate students in different ways and for different aspects.
  • We help the students who need support educationally.


Unity International Schools


Unity International Schools enhance students love for learning in all styles and encourage them to try new and exciting things and give them a solid foundation to face the future. Our vision is to develop well balanced, confident, and responsible students who work hard to achieve their ambitions. We will do this by providing a friendly, happy, secure, and supportive learning environment in which every student is equal, and all achievements are estimated. 


Unity International Schools Mission is to apply the American International Standards of best practices of the educational process, empowering students with the knowledge, skills and attitudes needed to succeed as responsible life-long learners and that will enable them to explore hidden talents, and allow for individual differences and learning styles.

Nature International School
مدارس نيتشر الدولية Nature International School   
محور صفط اللبن طريق كرداسة 
التحويلات مفتوحة  للعام الدراسي الجديد 2023 
خصم  علي مصاريف الاعدادي .. 
المصاريف الدراسية مخفضة  المصاريف على 6 أقساط.. و خصم خاص على الكاش
 التقديم لل kg   و سن القبول 3 سنين و6 شهور في أول أكتوبر 
المدرسة  محاطة ببيئة خضراء وجو صحي نقي..
  تدريس مناهج أمريكية بالإضافة لمنهج قواعد القراءة و الكتابة
.. Jolly phonics
   كثافة الفصول 15 : 20 طالب. 
  المدرسة مجهزة Smart_board وتكيفات وبها كاميرات مراقبة داخل وخارج الفصول.. 
   المدرسة بها  
Science labs -   Computer labs - gym
Drawing and activity room ... 
   المدرسة بها معلمين عل  أعلى مستوى الكفاءة و بها اكثر من معلم اجنبي
    ملاعب كرة قدم و كرة سلة و برنامج لياقة بدنية تحت اشراف خبراء من كلية التربية الرباضية. 
    لغة ثانية - فرنساوى - ألمانى من KG.. 
  تحفيظ قرآن والاهتمام بالصلاة ... 
   الاهتمام بمادة التربية الدينية "الإسلامية والمسيحية"
 إهتمام خاص باللغة العربية على يد أساتذة متخصصين و مدربين من كلية دار العلوم
المدرسة بها عيادة تحت إشراف طبيب...
Highness Language School

El Riyad Language School accepts the responsibility in partnership with parents and community members to prepare and guide children to be successful citizens, regardless of gender, religion, origin, race or social status.

New Discovery British International School

New Discovery International School
was founded in 2016 by one of the most remarkable educational experts in the field since 1964, Mr Abd El Ghany Mohamed.

At NDIS, we collaborate with prominent educational partners for our British and American divisions, such as Cambridge, Edxcel, British Council and AIAA to ensure our students fully understand, contribute to, and succeed in a rapidly changing society, and thus make the world a better and more just place.

We don't only care about providing a unique educational experience to our students, but also building their characters according to the morals and values they need to acquire, to prepare them to be tomorrow's leaders.

We will ensure that our students develop both the skills a sound liberal arts education provides and the competencies essential for success and leadership in the emerging creative economy. We will also lead in generating practical and theoretical knowledge that enables people to better understand our world and improve conditions for local and global communities

Notion International School


Notion International School

Learners Today... Leaders Tomorrow


Why Notion?

At Notion Internation School we are committed to providing our students with the highest educational experience. Our highly qualified pedagogical staff uses innovative approaches and digital educational tools in a multicultural environment focusing on our students' knowledge, personality development, and skill development while using exclusive and safe facilities and having a lot of fun!


Notion is authorized to deliver international baccalaureate programmes since 2017. Notion is an IB continuum school that offers:

IB Primary Years Programme for children from 3-10 years old

IB Middle Years Programme for children from 11-15 years old

IB Diploma Programme for children from 16-18 years old.


Students at International Baccalaureate® (IB) World Schools are given a unique, challenging and diverse education.

IB learners are:

Encouraged to think critically and solve complex problems

Drive their own learning

A core part in educational programmes that can lead them to some of the highest-ranking universities around the world

More culturally aware, through the development of a second language

Able to engage with people in an increasingly globalized, rapidly changing world

Skills School National & International



SKILLS first opened its doors in 2010 and is founded in memory of the late Dr. Suad Kafafi (1928-2004), a Noble Prize nominee in the field of Education. Our Board of Directors are dedicated to continue her work and to abide by her principles.

Our Philosophy:

Our philosophy is to promote excellence in education by fostering creativity and individuality. At SKILLS we promote the necessary skills to compete in our fast changing world.

Skills Believes in:

Effective team building with parents, teachers and administrators

Valuing all effort

Honouring excellence

Treating ALL with dignity and respect

Encouraging students to be active learners

Recognizing student abilities and further developing them

SKILLS aims to give students the opportunity to reflect on who they are by helping them to strengthen their ties to their history and culture. We believe that our students are the seeds of tomorrow's harvest and that they should therefore be nurtured and encouraged to grow by:

Developing inquisitive minds

Developing creative and logical thinking skillsa

Encouraging scientific research

Developing excellent Information Technology skills

Encouraging language learning (Arabic; English; German; French) to enable students to interact well with the international community

Encouraging a love for reading

Integrating good morals, ethics, etiquette and manners with daily life.

Developing an appreciation of the Arts through music, art and drama

Demonstrating the importance of health and physical education

Developing an appreciation for community service

We improve our students' skills by: 

- Multiple intelligence applications 

• After school activities 

• Scheduled homework system 

• Brain based activities 

• Soft skills program 

• Healthy environment 

• Para curricular activities in all subjects 


• Daily coordination with parents

SKILLS Divisions: 

1. English National Division 

2. German National Division 

3. American Division 

4. British Division

Support Services:

Remedial instruction by SPED

Smart Boards in every classroom


Computer Labs

Science Labs

Physical Education





Scout Program

Summer School

Student Life Activities

Field Trips

Sports Programs

Zewail Smart Language School

In Zewail Smart Language School, we give our students unlimited opportunities to learn and develop through imagination, creativity and play.

Educational  :

  • Advanced education curriculums  & programs that are designed to help your child grow educationally, socially  and physically .
  •   French & German classes starting from  KG1.
  • Jolly phonics syllabus for KG stages.
  • Extra support classes.
  • Montessori learning .
  • Art & handcrafts .
  • Phonics & conversation sessions .
  • Social studies & character building classes starting from KG1.
  • Passionate knowledgeable staff who are eager to share your child’s accomplishments with you .

Entertainment & Activaties:

  • Outdoor activities : aerobics , gymnastics & zumba .
  • Cooking
  • Puppet show
  • Educational trips
  • Story telling
  • Birthday parties
  • Planting


  • Services & Facilities :
  • Air conditioned classrooms .
  • Full-time available doctor.
  • Bus transportation is available.
  • Two spacious play grounds & a variety of sport courts .
  • Fully equipped science & computer labs .
  • A separate kindergarten with outdoor playing area.
  • Secured, clean and healthy environment.
  • All classes, corridors and playgrounds are monitored.


A.S.L.S has an open school policy and understand the importance of school-home active communication.

Communication is provided through various sources, First the daily notes notebook. Second principle of the school meets the parent if they have something to talk about every Monday & Thursday after 12:00pm.


The school is committed to employ highly qualified Teachers.


The chairman and the principal are highly qualified experinced and co-operation persons.

Al Othman International Schools


بناء الشخصية والتربية الأخلاقية.

نبذة عن المدرسة:

أُنشأت مدارس آل عثمان الخاصة عام 2002م، والمدرسة مقامة على مساحة 4 آلاف متر مربع لتستوعب ما لا يقل عن ألف طالب في مراحل التعليم المختلفة (حضانة - إبتدائى - إعدادي - ثانوي) بحيث تقدم خدمة تعليمية متميزة كالتالي:-

المبنى الإدارى ويضم:

مكتب السيد رئيس مجلس الإدارة - مكتب شئون الطلبة والعاملين - المسجد - المكتبة - المطعم الفندقي - إقامة القسم الداخلي - صالة الإستقبال - حجرة السادة المعلمين.

مبنى الفصول الدراسية:

الطابق الأول ويضم: فصول رياض الأطفال والإبتدائي ودورات المياه الخاصة بهم.

الطابق الثاني ويضم: فصول الإعدادي - قاعة الكمبيوتر والإنترنت - معمل الكيمياء - معمل الفيزياء - معمل الأحياء - حجرة المجال الزراعي - حجرة الإقتصاد المنزلي.

الطابق الثالث ويضم: فصول القسم العربي - قاعة الأوساط المتعددة - حجرة التربية الموسيقية -حجرة المجال الصناعي - المسرح المدرسي.

الملاعب الرياضية:
1. الملعب الكبير لكرة القدم بأرضية النجيل الطبيعي.
2. الملعب الفرعي لكرة اليد والطائرة والسلة.
3. الصالة المغطاه لتنس الطاولة.
4. حمام السباحة الكبير بمساحة 8م × 16م يحيط به المظلات.
5. مضمار الخيل لممارسة رياضة الفروسية.
6. أسطبل الخيل الذي يضم أفضل الخيول العربية الأصيلة.
1. حديقة الطفل (البيبي جاردن) تضم مجموعة من أحدث الألعاب الأمريكية.
2. حديقة نباتات الزينة.
3. حديقة الفاكهة والنباتات العطرية.
من إنجازات المدرسة:
حصلت المدرسة على العديد من شهادات التقدير من إدارة الهرم التعليمية من أهمها:
1. حصول المدرسة على المركز الأول بالمرحلة الإبتدائية على مستوى إدارة الهرم التعليمية.
2. حصول المدرسة على المركز الأول بالمرحلة الإعدادية على مستوى إدارة الهرم التعليمية.
3. حصول المدرسة على شهادة تقدير نظراً لإهتمامها المتميز في تطبيق المعايير الحديثة في التعليم.
4. حصول الأستاذ أحمد عثمان رئيس مجلس الإدارة على شهادة تقدير تقديراً لجهوده المخلصة للإرتقاء بالعملية التعليمية.

Victoria International College (VIS-American)

Curriculum standards:
· Focus on themes and concepts rather than isolated facts.
· Emphasize thinking skills and problem solving more than the memorization and recall of information
· Promote integration through the identification of common skills and processes.
· Emphasize what students should know and be able to do as they progress through various levels of proficiency and ultimately exit from high
· Different methods of assessment are used, oral exams - researches - homework - participation - practical testsessay questions - MCQs

Paradise language schools

Paradise language schools

* Provides the highest standard of education, in the English language to students of any nationality who are likely to benefit from it.Provides a safe and healthy environment. - To integrate, apply, and continuously review across the curriculum, appropriate methodologies and technologies.
* Paradise Language School offers bus transportation for students whose parents contract for these services. Buses offer travel from door to door. Our bus lines are fully supervised.

* Our Library


The Paradise Language Schools library is a large classroom shared by students, teachers and parents.

Our library is divided into two separate floors and caters to all students. Our, Pre-Kindergarten and Elementary grades to Grade 6 use the downstairs library, with fun to learn methods that makes little children willing to learn.

While Middle School and High School students from Grades 6 to 12 uses the upstairs library, with high technology methods to help our students in their open search for information connected to the internet. besides the normal search in our best selection of books for these stages.


* Art, Music and gymnasium - Purpose built art and Purpose built music rooms


Well-equipped gymnasium and Well-equipped Elementary outdoor play areas.

Computer and Science Labs

- Computers Labs

Three Computer labs: one for every stage with smart boards fully connected to the internet, the best and the newest.

- Science Labs

Three different labs: chemistry, biology and physics. Each lab has the best equipment’s to serve its purpose.

Cairo British College (CBC)


About Cairo British College:

Admission is open for classes from nursery (2.6 years old) till year 8

Transference from any other educational system is accepted provided that the assessment results meet the school expectations

Transference applications will be accepted from the beginning of march till the the end of may

special offers for students of Excellence of academic, artistic or sportive achievements (Years 6-8).

CBC offers the Cambridge international primary programme provided by the University of Cambridge for international schools all over the world. it provides learners with an excellent preparation for the IGCSE.
it also provides schools with an appropriate

Blue Nile School

The school vision

A learner having an integrated , cognitive , emotional and skilled personality and having the critical thinking skills capable of active participation and self-expressing to be a good citizen

The school mission

  • Building a balanced personality qualified with positive human values .
  • Provide a fun and motivating learning environment to discover the talent of children and the development of creative abilities
  • Caring for the skill and knowledge of the student
  • Preparing a good citizen who believes in citizenship and accepting others
  • Sustainable professional development for teachers and staff
  • To create an educational climate that supports work and creativity under an appropriate school building and a trained aware leadership and accurate community participation