Hurghada Directory provides complete information about the best dermatologists in Dahar
Dr Marwa Hosni Hammadi
Dermatologist and cosmetologist
Master in dermatology and cosmetology
Treating skin and hair problems Flair and botox injections Eczema treatment skin allergy and acne treatment
Treating the effects of wounds and burns treating psoriasis and vitiligo
دكتوره ساره الديب
اخصائيه جلديه وتجميل وليزر
مستشفي الحوض المرصود بالقاهره سابقا
تقد خدمتها : حقن بلازما و الميزوثيرابي
حقن فلير حقن بوتوكس
تقشير كيميائي
تفتيح الاماكن الداكنه
علاج الهالات السوداء
علاج تساقط الشعر والصلع الوراثي
علاج حب الشباب والندبات
ازاله الشعر بالليزر
- Laser hair removal
(An American device: Cynosure elite that have two types of laser: Alexandrite & NdYAG, associated with a special cooling air device: zimmer 6 )
- Laser Carbon dioxide fractional laser (An Italian device:Deka- smartxide )
- Hyfrecator: (An American device)
- Narrow band Ultra Violet Rays (NBUVB) (A German device(
- Mesotherapy
- Chemical peeling
- Medical Mask
- Filler
- PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma(
- Face & body threading
- golden mask