El Kawthar

Mareeze Academy for Music&Art;

Our story

We are Mareeze Academy for Music&Art

We are a training arts program,which encourages personal and artistic growth,while exploring new possibilities in the arts of all talent levels are encouraged to apply

Concerts and exhibition

We offering courses for all ages 4 year & above Music,piano,oud,Guitar, Nay,Sachs,Solfege,Audion engineering

Offering above Drawing,charcoal,ink,acorel,pastel&oil.

Drawing on(glass_cloth_silk_walls)Handcraft(mosaic_copper_sculpture)fashion design&etiquette

Arabic calligraphy

Mareeze Academy for Music&Art;

Our story

We are Mareeze Academy for Music&Art

We are a training arts program,which encourages personal and artistic growth,while exploring new possibilities in the arts of all talent levels are encouraged to apply

Concerts and exhibition

We offering courses for all ages 4 year & above Music,piano,oud,Guitar, Nay,Sachs,Solfege,Audion engineering

Offering above Drawing,charcoal,ink,acorel,pastel&oil.

Drawing on(glass_cloth_silk_walls)Handcraft(mosaic_copper_sculpture)fashion design&etiquette

Arabic calligraphy

UCMAS - Hurghada

UCMAS Hurghada 

A Strong math foundation for lifelong success

UCMAS Hurghada مركز العباقره للتدريب
What is the importance of #Yossi_Mas and its impact on children
Everyone asks why start my child at #YusiMas Academy
And what is the benefit that will accrue to it?
Mental arithmetic means doing the arithmetic operations of addition, subtraction, division and multiplication, but by the brain and without the need to use a calculator
It is considered one of the important skills for students in mathematics in particular, in addition to their acquiring skills beyond the limits of mathematics such as “the ability to perceive, understand, analyze and think speed, creativity, speed in academic achievement, and self-confidence.”
House of cake
النهاردة هحكيلكم حكايتى مع الحلوى
أنا صاحبتكم سها بحب الحلويات ومن صغيره ولما كبرت قررت اعمل
من مطبخى الصغير حلويات ضخمة كتيرة للاطفال عشان يستمتعوا بيها
حلوياتي مختلفه دايما عشان بحطلكم فيها اللى بتحبوه
لو بتحب الفضاء ممكن أعملك تورته شبه الارض
ولو بتحب الحيوانات ممكن اعمل حيوانك المفضل بالطعم اللى تحبة
الشكولاتة هى حياتى والكب كيك اللى كلها لو انه يكون وجبتك المفضلة من عندى

ممكن تأكل كيك بالشكولاتة المرشميلو ممكن يبقا مغرق تورتك
‏ House of cakeمش بس أسم لبيع الحلويات اللى بتحبها لان دى هتكون دايما جزء من فرحتكو ذاكريتك