el Dahar

CMC-Capital Medical center

The best services and healthcare provided by Capital Medical Center CMC-Capital Medical Center to provide comprehensive health services around the clock, specialized at the highest level, including the best medical staff in all specialties
Pain Treatment Clinic
Internal Medicine Clinic
General Surgery Clinic
Genetic Diseases Clinic
Dental Clinic
Family Medicine Clinic
Nutrition and Physiotherapy Clinic
Radiology Department
The center offers an opportunity for doctors
- Now you can get your distinguished clinic at the lowest cost and without burdens in the first integrated medical complex in Hurghada
- Clinics with a time share system
- The center has super deluxe finishing and is fully air-conditioned and has high-end office furniture in the clinics
- The location is distinguished on the main street and there is a large parking space
- Time share prices include
(Secretariat and appointment booking - Electricity - Water - Maintenance - Cleaning - A screen dedicated to advertising doctors at the reception - Advertising on the center's social media)

Dr. Wissam Eid
Doctor _ Wissam Eid
Consultant cardiologist focused tension
Protected Cardiology Master
Assiut University
Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up
Cancer diseases of all kinds
Heart diseases of all kinds
- Weakness of the heart muscle of all kinds
What is pulse of all kinds?
- Follow-up cases of pressure and sugar
Pre-operative fitness detection
- EKG work
- Echocardiography
Holter EKG for 48 hours

Normal EKG
- EKG with effort
Daily from 6 pm to 11 pm
Except Sunday
Shiny Smile Dental Clinic

Shiny Smile Dental center -

Dr. Matious samuel

Oral and dental surgeon-

Member of the royal college of surgeons - England -

  Member of the American dental association of implantology -

our services

    pedod ntics -

Belaching -

  Root canal treatment -

  implant -

Fillings -

Extraction and surgeries -

Veneers -

clear alingners -

    Crowns and bridges -

G. A sugery for special needs -

Malika Center for Physiotherapy and Clinical Nutrition Dr. Islam Adel Hanifa
Malika Center for Physiotherapy and Clinical Nutrition Dr. Islam Adel Hanifa
Physiotherapist and Nutritional Therapist
Member of the Egyptian Medical Association for the Study of Obesity
Member of the Middle East Alternative Medicine Association
The center treats the following cases
- Bones: lumbar cartilage - inflammation of muscles and tendons - joint stiffness - knee roughness
- Sports injuries: cruciate ligament rehabilitation - meniscus of the knee - additive muscle inflammation
- Nerves: treatment of paralysis caused by clots - facial paralysis, seventh nerve
- Department of Nutrition: weight loss - thinness
- Measuring body fat percentage
CRYO . Fat Freezing Body Contouring
Mesotherapy injections to burn objective and stubborn fats and sculpt the body
We provide home treatment services
Dr.Hossam El-Taih Consultant Gynecologic, Obstetrics Laparoscopy

Consultant of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Infertility
Member of the American Society for Fertility and Sterility
Treatment of delayed pregnancy, IVF and treatment of ovarian cysts
Laparoscopic removal of fibroids and uterusPregnancy follow-up and treatment of recurrent miscarriage

Dr. Hisham Elawady

د/هشام العوضي
استشاري جراحة الانف والأذن والحنجرة
جامعة القاهرة
خدمات العياده
منظار الأنف
منظار الاذن
منظار حنجري
عمليات استئصال اللوزتين
عمليات استئصال اللحميه
عمليات مناظير الأنف والجيوب الأنفية
عمليات انابيب تهويه الأذن الوسطى
عمليات ترقيع طبلة الأذن
عمليات استئصال لحمية الاحبال الصوتيه

حكاية جيل بيكبر بصحة أفضل

د.مارى هيرمينا
بكالوريوس الطب والجراحة ..جامعة الاسكندرية 
مسؤلة عن مبادرة الرئيس لاكتشاف  وعلاج التقزم وقصر القامة  والنحافة والسمنة فى الاطفال
بالتامين الصحى بالغردقة..البحر الأحمر 
استشارى التغذية العلاجية والصحة العامة _ جامعة الاسكندرية 
استشارى طب الاطفال _ جامعة المنوفية 
SCOPE certified ... London , UK
حاصلة على شهادة فى حقن واذابة الدهون الموضعية ( ميزوثيرابى )
عضو بالجمعية المصرية الطبية لدراسة السمنة EMASO 
عضو بالجمعية المصرية للتغذية الطبية EgSPEN
عضو بالجمعية الطبية لأبحاث وعلاج السمنة MASMO 
عضو بالاتحاد الدولى للسمنة

- علاج قصر القامة والعلاج بهرمون النمو 

- علاج النحافة وسؤ التغذية والآنيميا 

- علاج السمنة عند الآطفال 

- تغذية طفل مرض السكر

- تغذية أطغال طيف التوحد 

- تغذية طفل فرط النشاط والحركة  ADHD

- تغذية الاطفال الرياضيين 

- تغذية أطفال السيلياك وحساسية الطعام

 - ثانيا تغذية البالغين وتنسيق القوام :

- نقصان الوزن 

- زيادة الوزن 

- تغذية الرياضيين 

- تغذية مرضي جراحات السمنة (تكميم -تحويل مسار -كبسولة مبرمجة)   (قبل وبعد العمليات )

- تغذية مرضي السكر 

- حقن ميزوثيرابي 

- جلسات تفتيت الدهون الموضعية 

Dr. Saad Hakim
Dr. Saad Hakim Orthopedic and Traumatology Clinic
Treatment of bone and joint diseases and fractures
Treating children's fractures
joint replacement
Spinal disease treatment
- Treatment of the roughness of the joints
Treatment of osteoporosis in children
- medullary screw
Bone thorn treatment
Gout treatment
Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment
Every day except Sunday 
From 11 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.
From 6 pm to 11 pm
Neuro clinic Dr. waleed el said

العياده التخصصيه لجراحه المخ والاعصاب وجراحات العمود الفقري وعلاج الام الظهر الناتج عن الانزلاق الغضروفي وضيق قناه الاعصاب علاج نزيف المخ والجلطه المخيه علاج اصابات المخ وكسور العمود الفقري وتجميل الجمجمه والفقرات بعد الاصابه
اورام المخ والعمود الفقري

Dr. Peter Maher for Internal Medicine and Nephrology

Internal Medicine and Kidney Specialist, Ain Shams University- 

- Dr. British Fellowship of Internal Medicine

Member of the European Society of Cardiologists

Member of the Egyptian Society of Digestive System and Liver

- Member of Upper Egypt Diabetes Association

- Treatment and follow-up of chronic diseases (pressure - diabetes - heart)

Treatment and follow-up of diseases of the digestive system

(gastric ulcer - esophageal reflux disease - colon disorders - irritable bowel)

Treatment and follow-up of gland diseases

Treatment and follow-up of kidney diseases and dialysis patients

Treatment and follow-up of critical cases

Treatment and follow-up of liver diseases

- Treatment and follow-up of immune diseases (rheumatism - red lupus)

Clinic of Dr. Muhammad Ali Huneideq
Dr. Muhammad Ali Huneideq
Consultant of general and laparoscopic surgery
Master of General Surgery
Egyptian Fellowship for General Surgery
Dr. Arab Board of General Surgery
Clinic services:
Minor operations
Male purity
Excision of sebaceous and waxy cysts.
Excision of skin appendages
Excision of the ingrown nail
Follow-up of diabetic foot and wounds
Medium, large and skilled operations
Surgical removal of the gallbladder
Surgical removal of the appendix
- Repair of inguinal and umbilical hernias and postoperative hernias
- Excision of the anal fissure and repair of the narrowing of the anus.
- Excision of anal hemorrhoids.
- Excision of anal and pilonidal fistulas.
- Excision of varicocele and hydrocele.
- Excision of thyroid tumors and follow-up of thyroid dysfunction.
Follow-up and removal of breast tumors
Repair of an exploded stomach ulcer
- Excision of an enlarged spleen

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Dr Peter Youssef

Dr Peter Youssef - hurghada

اخصائي طب و جراحة العيون
حاصل علي الزماله المصريه في طب و جراحة العيون و عضو الجمعيه الرمدية المصرية
دراسات في الزمالة البريطانيه ( الكلية الملكيه بجلاسجو)
قياس طول و قصر النظر و عمل مقاسات النظاره الطبيه بأحدث الاجهزه
- عمليات تصحيح الابصار الليزك و الفيمتو ليزك و زرع العدسات
- ازالة المياه البيضاء بالليزر و عمل جلسات مسح العدسات بالياج ليزر
- تشخيص امراض القرنيه و علاجها
- متابعة و تشخيص تأثير داء السكري علي العين و الشبكيه و علاجها
- اكتشاف العيوب الخلقيه و الامراض الوراثيه بالعين و كيفية التعامل معها
- اكتشاف و قياس نسبة الحول بالاطفال و علاجها
- ازالة الظفره بالملتحمه بأحدث تقنيه
قياس ضغط العين بأدق الاجهزة مع متابعة المياه الزرقاء و عمل عمليات المياه الزرقاء)

Dr. Mariam Azmy Halim

Master degree of chest diseases
Faculty of medicine 
Assiut University
Treatment of chest diseases and bronchial asthma in children and adults

Specialist of chest diseases and bronchial asthma

Adults and children

Clinic appointments Every day from 2:00 pm to 11:00 pm Except for Friday from 5 PM: 11 PM

Dr.Neama Rashad Al-Khouly Clinic Endocrinology and Diabetes
Clinic services:
You treat the following cases
Endocrine diseases
Thyroid insufficiency and activity
Pituitary gland dysfunction
Increased lactation hormone
_Polycystic ovaries
Excessive hair cases
An increase or decrease in the level of cortisol in the blood
_ Cases of delayed childbearing caused by glandular dysfunction
Cases of short stature
Diabetes of all kinds
* Type I sugar
* Type II sugar
*Secondary sugar caused by endocrine diseases
For reservations from 10 am to 4 pm daily except Friday
Dr Marwa Hosni Hammadi  - Hurghada

Dr Marwa Hosni Hammadi

Dermatologist and cosmetologist

Master in dermatology and cosmetology

Treating skin and hair problems Flair and botox injections Eczema treatment skin allergy and acne treatment

Treating the effects of wounds and burns treating psoriasis and vitiligo

  • Palsma hair loss treatment and mesotherapy and stem call
  • Treat freckles melasma and acne spots with laser and sanding
  • Local injection of alopecia vitiligo and surgical scars
  • Winkle removal by Botox injection
  • Removing acacia and skin lesions
  • Lift the sagging face and neck with sutures
  • Filled with cheeks and lips with a filler
  • Skin lightening with chemical peels
Joy clinic
Plastic surgery specialist
and burns

Plastic surgery
Facial plastic surgery
Obesity and weight loss surgery
Burn plastic surgery
Eye plastic surgery
hand plastic surgery
, rhinoplasty surgery
Pediatric malformations and birth defects surgery
Member of the Arab Association for Hair Transplantation and a member of the Egyptian Academy of Aesthetics
Green Apple Clinic
With the #green_apple_physical_treatment_and_weighting center, a session on you and a session on us
The center offers the best and latest treatment methods in the field of physical therapy and obesity
With us, you will lose weight safely and reach the ideal weight that you dream of me
 With us, goodbye to back pain, cartilage problems and neck pain
Urology, venereology and infertility clinic - Dr. Samy Youssef
Urology, venereology and infertility clinic - Dr. Sami Yusuf
Consultant and Head of the Department of Urology, Reproductive Endoscopy and Infertility
Member of the European Society of Urology
Member of the Egyptian Urological Association

* Treatment of kidney, ureter and bladder stones with medicines, shock rays, endoscopy, and surgery 
*Treatment of infections of the genitourinary system for both sexes
*Treatment of prostatitis and enlarged prostate
*Treatment of inflammation of the testicles
*Treatment of male infertility
Surgical intervention to treat urinary tract stones
Surgical intervention to treat hydrocele and varicocele
* Surgical and laparoscopic removal of the prostate
* Treatment of congenital defects of the urethra
*Treatment of venereal diseases
* Treatment of urinary incontinence and bedwetting for children and adults

Appointments are daily from 12-2 pm and 6-11 pm

Reservations can be made by phone or via WhatsApp, and payment can be made by electronic wallet to the same clinic phone

Pain Clinic and Spine Care Dr. Hossam Hosny
Pain Clinic for Dr. Hossam Hosny, Consultant of Pain Therapy and Spine Care, Fellow of the European Society for Joint, Muscular and Neurosurgery, Master of Pain Therapy, National Cancer Institute, Cairo University Hospitals, Egyptian Fellowship for Pain Management The clinic provides treatment services for the following cases with modern interventions without surgical intervention
* Treating pain in the lower back, cartilage and sciatica
* Treatment of pain, knee roughness, pelvis, and shoulder joint pain
* Pain after stabilizing vertebrae and cartilage removal operations
* Rheumatoid pain, peripheral nerves, and the fiery belt
* Cancerous tumors and pain after amputations
* Pain of the bone thorn and nerve suffocation
* Pain, migraine and chronic headache
* The most important characteristic of our job
It is without surgery
* Clinic appointments are from four o'clock until nine o'clock on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday


Sky laboratory
Sky Laboratory for Medical and Microbiological Analysis
- Comprehensive periodic tests
- Follow-up and rheumatism tests
- Blood diseases and anemia tests
- Hepatitis viruses tests
- Liver function tests
- Premarital tests
- Sugar and glycated hemoglobin tests
- Hormones and glands tests
- Tumor marker tests
- Complete lipid and heart enzymes tests- Comprehensive periodic analyses
- Follow-up and rheumatology tests
- Analysis of blood diseases and anemia
- Hepatic virus tests
- Liver function tests
- Pre-marital tests
- Blood sugar and glycated hemoglobin tests
- Analyzes of hormones and glands
- Analysis of tumor markers
- Complete lipid analysis and heart enzymes

And'alusia Medical Center
Andalusia Medical Center
Dr- Ahmed Abdel Malik
The largest medical edifice in the Red Sea
Obstetrics and Gynecology
 - Premature babies
- Injection of microscopic
- masculinity
- intensive care
 Hotel rooms at the highest level
 Well-equipped nurseries
- Latest devices
Receiving critical cases
 Embryology lab
 -  Injection of microscopic
  Determining the gender of the newborn
 24 hour emergency reception



Dr Amira Emam kids clinic
Follow-up of children and newborns

- Treatment of diseases of the digestive system, respiratory system and chest allergies

- Follow-up supplementary feeding infants

- Follow-up cases of malnutrition

- Cases of obesity, thinness and loss of appetite

- Follow-up feeding children with iron deficiency anemia and cases of short stature

- Follow-up feeding children with hyperactivity, autism and Down syndrome
Dr.Yaser abd elwhab elfalaty

 Address : Dahar in front of a company manufactures sale

Dr. Nagwa MAged Mohamed Dental Clinic
The clinic provides all dental services
- orthodontics
- Dental implants using Korean or German materials
- Fixed and mobile fixtures using the highest quality materials (high-quality porcelain and zirconium)
- Nerve filling with the latest devices and the highest quality in one session
- Cosmetic laser fillings
- Nerve filling for children
- Regular and surgical extraction of roots and impacted wisdom teeth
- Venir
- Removal of lime deposits using the latest devices
- Laser whitening

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Sara Cosmo Clinic

دكتوره ساره الديب
اخصائيه جلديه وتجميل وليزر
مستشفي الحوض المرصود بالقاهره سابقا
تقد خدمتها : حقن بلازما و الميزوثيرابي
حقن فلير حقن بوتوكس
تقشير كيميائي
تفتيح الاماكن الداكنه
علاج الهالات السوداء
علاج تساقط الشعر والصلع الوراثي
علاج حب الشباب والندبات
ازاله الشعر بالليزر

Dr - Hossam Farid al Zamek

 - Orthopedic and joint surgeries
- Spine surgeries
- Fractures and sports injuries
 - Delicate hand surgeries and prostheses
- Treatment of joint roughness and PRP injections
- Accidents and emergencies (only) 24 hours

Dr.Haytham Saleh _cardiologist Echocardiographer
Cardiology Clinic
Dr. Haitham Saleh
Cardiovascular specialist
Member of the Egyptian Society of Cardiology
Member of the European Society of Cardiology
Member of the Egyptian Society of Ultrasound on the Heart (Echo)
* Clinic services
Normal heart drawing
Echo Ultrasound of the heart
Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of heart diseases and high blood pressure
Diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of high blood lipids and thyroid gland