Weight loss and nutrition of newborns Breast-feeding children Allergies Children Allergy and Immunology Children special needs Diabetes and endocrinology Children liver Children rheumatism Children Dietitian and nutrition All the different vaccinations for children Follow-up the natural development of children Follow-up the physical development of the child The growth of the mental development of the child Follow-up cases of growth delay Premature children Kidney children Allergy Breast children Therapeutic nutrition for children Treatment Children's anemia Treatment of children's malnutrition Treatment of obesity and thinness in children
Weight loss and nutrition of newborns Breast-feeding children Allergies Children Allergy and Immunology Children special needs Diabetes and endocrinology Children liver Children rheumatism Children Dietitian and nutrition All the different vaccinations for children Follow-up the natural development of children Follow-up the physical development of the child The growth of the mental development of the child Follow-up cases of growth delay Premature children Kidney children Allergy Breast children Therapeutic nutrition for children Treatment Children's anemia Treatment of children's malnutrition Treatment of obesity and thinness in children
Breast-feeding children Allergies Children Allergy and Immunology Children special needs Diabetes and endocrinology Children liver Children rheumatism Children Dietitian and nutrition All the different vaccinations for children Follow-up the natural development of children Follow-up the physical development of the child The growth of the mental development of the child Follow-up cases of growth delay Premature children Kidney children Allergy Breast children Therapeutic nutrition for children Treatment Children's anemia Treatment of children's malnutrition Treatment of obesity and thinness in children
Breast-feeding children Allergies Children Allergy and Immunology Children special needs Diabetes and endocrinology Children liver Children rheumatism Children Dietitian and nutrition All the different vaccinations for children Follow-up the natural development of children Follow-up the physical development of the child The growth of the mental development of the child Follow-up cases of growth delay Premature children Kidney children Allergy Breast children Therapeutic nutrition for children Treatment Children's anemia Treatment of children's malnutrition Treatment of obesity and thinness in children
Breast-feeding children Allergies Children Allergy and Immunology Children special needs Diabetes and endocrinology Children liver Children rheumatism Children Dietitian and nutrition All the different vaccinations for children Follow-up the natural development of children Follow-up the physical development of the child The growth of the mental development of the child Follow-up cases of growth delay Premature children Kidney children Allergy Breast children Therapeutic nutrition for children Treatment Children's anemia Treatment of children's malnutrition Treatment of obesity and thinness in children
Head of the Department of Plastic Surgery All plastic surgeries - facial, breast and body contouring surgeries Repair of birth defects and hand surgeries - laser - filler - Botox
Plastic surgery specialist And coordination of strength and laser in police hospitals
Consultant of plastic and reconstructive surgery Master of Plastic and Microscopic Surgery, University of Barcelona Fellow of Tolo Hospital - Helsinki, Finland
Plastic surgery and body shaping specialist Facial beautification - laser - filler - botox, hair treatment and transplantation
إستشاري النساء والتوليد والحمل الحرج
التجميل النسائى
عضوالجمعية الامريكية للتجميل
دكتوراه امراض النساء والتوليد
استاذ م بكلية الطب جامعة الاسكندرية
استشارى المناظير الجراحية والحقن المجهرى
عضو الجمعية الامريكية للخصوبة
دبلوم جراحة المناظير من الجمعية الاوروبية لجراحة مناظير النساء
أستاذ جراحة أمراض النساء والتوليد وعلاج العقم
بكلية الطب - جامعة الاسكندرية
جراحات الأورام النسائية
جراحات المناظير النسائية
حقن مجهرى
التجميل النسائى
بأحدث تقنية موجات فوق صوتية نانو ألترا سوند
بدون ليزر وبدون هايفو
أستاذ سكر وغدد صماء الاطفال م جامعة الاسكندرية
زميل الكلية الملكية البريطانية لطب الاطفال FRCPCH
المدير الطبي لمستشفى الشاطبي الجامعى للأطفال
إستشاري سكر وغدد صماء الأطفال بالتأمين الصحى (الإسكندرية والبحيرة)
مركز الاسكندرية للسكر و الغدد الصماء والسمنة
جراحات أورام الثدى التجميلية والتكميلية
أستاذ م الجراحة - معهد البحوث الطبية
زميل كلية الجراحين الملكية إنجلترا
زميل المعهد الأوروبي للأورام ميلانو إيطاليا
Professor Dr. Yasser Hamed Professor Doctor of General Surgery
Professor of diabetes and pediatrics at Alexandria University Fellow of the British Royal College of Paediatrics FRCPCH