
Dr. Ahmed Asem Elmllah

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Dr Subhi Shakal Nutri Clinic

Dr Subhi Shakal Nutri Clinic - tanta

 smiley مهمتنا غرس مفاهيم التغذية العلاجية الصحيحة 

نقدم التغذية العلاجية للحالات التالية 

( السمنه والنحافه - مرض السكر والغدد السماء - مرض الاورام وكبار السن - الحمل والرضاعه وتغذية الاطفال - امراض فقر الدم وهشاشة العظام - امراض القلب والشرايين وضغط الدم - ارتفاع دهون الدم والكوليستيرول - امراض الكبد وامراض الكلي والامراض الصدرية - اضطرابات السلوك الغذائي - اعداد ومتابعه المرضي قبل وبعد العمليات الجراحية - تغذية وتأهيل الرياضيين للمنافسات المختلفة  ) ..... 

خدمات عيادة الجلدية 

( العناية بالبشرة بكل انواعها  - علاج حب الشباب وأثارة - علاج سقوط الشعر  - حقن البوتكس والفيلرز  - علاج الهالات السوداء حول العين وكلف الحمل - إزاله الشعر والنمش والزوائد الجلدية - علاج السليوليت وإذابة الدهون الموضوعية - أنواع التغذية العلاجية المناسبة للبشرة والشعر ) ...  

كل الخدمات دي بيقدمها 

دكتور صبحي شكل 
دكتورة سماح المغاوري

Dr Ghada Said Ramadan
Doctor Ghada Sayed Ramadan - Tanta
Consultant of Natural Medicine, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation
Treatment of obesity and thinness
Clinic services (treatment of the following cases) ....
Cases of obesity and thinness
Rheumatism of joints and herniated disc
Stiffness in all its forms
Post-fracture treatment
Back and neck pain
Rough knees, back, and neck
- Sports injuries
Rehabilitation of cases of paraplegia
Paralysis of the seventh facial nerve
Migraine headaches
Fitness before and after childbirth
Rehabilitation before and after various surgeries
Characterization of prosthetic devices for cases of paralysis and amputation
Tightening sagging skin, breast lifting, and cellulite removal
Slimming and thermal wrap for slimming with the finest burning creams, such as the rare coffee and ginger creams

American Metabolite injection to melt fat



Ibn Sina Specialized Hospital

Ibn Sina Specialized Hospital - tanta is one of the biggest medical organizations in Delta & Egypt. We are providing the highest & the best medical care in Egypt.

Our Vision is to be a leading organization by providing the best-known international quality standards to our patients and to be recognized as the hospital of choice among patients, employees and stake holders in Delta & Egypt.

Ibn Sina Specialized Hospital focuses on providing a wide range of excellent medical services, that allows us to improve health communities that we serve and understanding patients needs, In order to the doctors, specialist and employees.
Our community Medicine facilities provide care in medicine, surgery (all branches kind major and minor), obstetrics, gynecology, pediatrics, internal medicine, Endoscopy ,Ophthalmology ,physical and rehabilitation making it easier to access health care right here in our organization.

Dr. Hind Mahmoud Sami Center
The latest ileum laser devices for treating birthmarks, freckles and tattoos
The latest fractional laser devices for dermabrasion, lightening and freshness of the skin, and treatment of burns and wounds
The Aquapil device and the physical system device to lighten the skin, its freshness and smoothness
The advanced centrifugal device and the plasma device are a natural filler replacement gel for fresh and plump skin.

The latest laser hair removal devices

Electrolysis machine for white hair removal
Dissolving fats with the latest radiofrequency devices, cryolysis, cryo, caffeine, and infrared blanket
Carboxytherapy for skin tightening, cellulite and stretch marks
The latest equipment for treating Vitiligo, Naroband
An excimer laser, plasma injection, and melanocyte transplantation device
All masks for peeling the skin
And lighteners and masks for treating acne and freshness of the skin
Moxibustion device for treating acacia

Botox, fillers and profilo injections to fill the skin, treat wrinkles, and more recently, skin restoration injections

Plasmage for droopy eyelids
The latest 3D HIFU device for treating wrinkles in the skin
 Fixing, supplying and blowing. Lips with fillers, botox and laser plumping
The latest radiofrequency devices to tighten wrinkles
Acne treatment with masks, fractional lasers, vascular lasers and dermabens

Treatment of burns, wounds and skin scars

The latest carbon surgical laser devices to remove moles and skin growths

The latest sessions of body whitening, care and lightening of private spaces
 Mesofusion and pulp tint for freshness and smoothness of the skin and uniformity of color
Hair loss treatment with mesotherapy, plasma, stem cells and laser cap
And newly TET Therapy
French yarns of all kinds, lifting strings, freshness strings, felting strings, and lip liner threads

Hair transplant to treat baldness

Treatment of dark circles and puffiness around the eyes with laser, injection, strings, plasma, masks, and gold threading



Dr. Walid Hegazy laboratory (Al-Mahalla Al-Kubra)
Services provided in the laboratory
House sampling service
- The latest devices, the most expensive and the highest chemicals, for the most accurate results
- Our motto is sound analysis, proper diagnosis, sound treatment
Receive the results of the analysis on the same day as soon as possible
- Work on Friday, emergency phone number 01207687799
- A team working at the highest level of experience under the supervision of Dr. Walid Hegazy, Doctor Bushra, medical analysis specialist

Experience of more than twenty-six years of experience in the field of medical analysis



Abou Elezz Laboratories (Al-Mahalla Al-Kubra)

Abu Al-Ezz laboratories for medical analysis

Ezz health ...

Because your health is our mission, we have a medical team specialized in taking samples and extracting results at the highest level

We conduct all medical analyzes, and extract results with the highest accuracy and speed, using the latest medical devices

We have the tests for Corona with the highest quality and the best price

We take samples from home 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, in all our branches

Dr.Mohamed Taha Masood
Dr. Muhammad Taha Masoud
Master's degree in ophthalmology
Specialist and Head of Ophthalmology Department at Medical Complex Hospital and Health Insurance
Vision correction and LASIK
White water suction with sound waves
Ultralasek, femtolysis, superficial LASIK
 Keratoconus surgeries

- Corneal fixation, corneal transplantation

Lens implantation

Cataract surgeries



Dr Islam El Mansoury Pharmacy

Dr Islam El Mansoury Pharmacy 

تتميز الصيدلية بتوفير جميع الأدويه ومستحضرات التجميل المحلية والمستورده 

تتوفر بالصيدلية عروض مستمرة على 

*مستحضرات التجميل 


*منجات الأطفال