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لو بتدور علي المكان الافضل لابنك من اهتمام ونظافة و تعليم اكاديمي حقيقي
مش حتلاقي افضل من Play 2 learn academy
لمكاننا رؤية لتنمية مهارات الطفل ( حركيا و جسديا ونفسيا وعقليا ) وده بنفذه من خلال
تطبيق افضل منهج منتسوري اكاديمي للطفل
تطبيق انشطة سيكوموتر وتنمية مهارات وتعديل سلوك
اهتمام خاص بالجانب الديني مع افضل محفظات القرآن بطريقة نور البيان
مناهج متخصصة في اللغة العربية والماث والعلوم والفونيكس
انشطة فنية متكاملة اسبوعيا
زومبا - ايروبكس - فتنس
مسرح عرائس
باص متاح لكل مكان
تواصل معنا من خلال ارقمنا
Eshraka aims to help children to better cope with life challenges. By enhancing their strengths and improving
their weaknesses. As a result , they will gain self confidence , develops socially & emotionally and this will reflect on their school performances and grades
... Methods of delivery of the service :
* Lectures
* Friendly talks & discussions
* Brain Storming & Quizzes
* Art & Crafts
* Puppets
* Cooking
* Games
* IT Integration
Teach the child to choose and make decisions.
Teaching the child self-reliance and helping him discover himself and know himself.
Preparing and training the child to gain his self-confidence.
Teaching the child independence
You can ask the child for some small tasks that you do, which will make him feel that his opinion is important, and with time you can seek help and take your child’s suggestions, which will increase his self-confidence.
Containing the child and knowing his needs. Talking to the child after he stops doing actions that provoke anger and regains his calmness to help him solve this problem calmly, by saying, for example:
If you acted right and decent it would be better and I will love you more
If you would like to know more about us, see what we offer
Excellent management
Specialized teachers and nannies with experience in educational counseling in order to provide an integrated service to the child and for better growth in all aspects.
English and phonics, Maths, science,
Arabic language in the light of the statement
Karate and gymnastics, drawing and coloring, various artistic activities, and puppet theatre.
Memorizing the Noble Qur’an, honorable hadiths and intonation, and education on correct behavior and Islamic etiquette.
Purposeful educational games, cooking puzzles, clay, and scientific experiments. Art workshops: handicrafts and handcrafts.
Various Montessori activities to develop sensory and visual perception using all the child's senses.
Qualifying for international schools, private languages, and experimental. Spacious and comfortable halls for children and a garden equipped with recreational games.
Birthday parties, events parties and fun days.
Fluffy Nursery and Daycare