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Brilliant kids academy Loran branch

-Day care: Providing a safe place for children during working hours, where they can play and learn in a stimulating environment.

-Educational programs: Providing age-appropriate curricula for children to develop their language, arithmetic, and social skills.

-Creative activities: Organizing activities such as drawing, coloring, handicrafts, and music to develop children's creative skills.

-Health care and awareness: Regularly monitoring children's health status, and providing healthy and balanced meals.

-Social skills training: Teaching children how to interact with their peers and respect others.

-Motor skills development: Organizing sports activities and motor games to improve children's physical ability.

-Educational trips: Organizing field visits to places such as museums or parks to enhance practical learning.

-Consulting services: Providing advice to parents on child upbringing and personal development.

-Transportation services: Providing buses to transport children to and from the nursery.

-Communication with parents: Using applications or periodic reports to keep parents informed of their children's progress.

- Services provided in developing skills and communication

- Developing language skills: Improving the ability to speak and language, including developing vocabulary, developing receptive and expressive language, and understanding language.

- Speech: Treating speech and language difficulties, such as stuttering or difficulty pronouncing some sounds.

- Developing social skills: Helping children improve their social interaction, and enhancing their ability to communicate effectively with their peers and adults.

- Occupational therapy: Improving fine motor skills such as writing, and the ability to perform daily activities.

- Developing academic skills: Providing support in areas such as reading, writing, and mathematics to enhance academic performance.

- Psychological counseling: Providing psychological support to children and parents to help them deal with psychological and social challenges.

- Life skills development programs: Teaching children how to deal with daily life situations independently and effectively.

Seeds of knowledge nursery
Psychological and educational counseling
_ Psychological measures and intelligence test
Speech and life skills
We accept infants from 3 months to 3 years
Infant activities
_ Glenn Doman's curriculum specializing in the development of sensory motor skills
_ Teaching the skill of reading and arithmetic
_ Developing life skills using Montessori tools and philosophy
Secondly, the nursery is from 3 to 6 years old
_ Develop life, practical and sensory skills using cognitive formation theory and Montessori tools
Languages: Arabic, English, French and German
_ account
_ Pre-science, geography and history
_ Artistic and sports activities
_ Quran memorization
Preparing and qualifying for the school
Nursery from 8 to 3
The timings are from Sunday to Thursday
With the possibility of hosting on Saturdays

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Fun Nursery

Fun Nursery nursery - Alexandria

Fun nursery is an innovated early childhood nursery that offers endless meaningful learning experiences.
We are a family to your child where the whole nursery, not just the teachers but also all other members of the staff know your child personally.
We are dedicated to give your child a lot of care and love.
Our commitment to care for your children is our priority
International Child Academy

أقسام الأكاديمية
قسم اللغة الإنجليزية ( معلمات متخصصات )
قسم اللغة الفرنسية ( معلمة مغربية )
قسم الرضع ( إبتداء من سن 6 شهور ) مجهز للرضع + مشرفات مدربات .

مواعيد العمل من 7 صباحا حتى 4 مساء ويوجد خدمة اكسترا تايم ل 6 مساءا . 

Childrens House Montessori Nursery & Pre-School

Languages: Arabic - English - French - German - Holly Quran 

Working Hours: Basic time from 8 am to 4 pm 

Childrens House Montessori Nursery Provide Medical Care 

Transportation Available

Kids R Us Nursery

يسرنا انضمام اطفال سيادتكم لاسر ة Kids R Us برنامج تعليمى ترفيهى عربى .لغات. حساب . تنمية مهارات . تنمية ذكاء . اتيكيت . تعديل سلوك خاطئ . رعاية ذات . تصحيح عيوب نطق . منتسورى . كمبيوتر . علوم . رسم و تلوين . اعمال يدوية . مطبخ . قرءان بالتجويد . دين . نور البيان . كشف طبى دورى . خصم خاص للاخوة .. متوفر باص .. فترات صباحية و مسائية

We are working together to achieve the desired objectives with the highest level of quality , efficiency and effectiveness by the group of specialists according to the educational plan in order to raise the level of educational services more than the expectation of our children and parents , With our continuous development .

Kids Life Academy

حضانة أكاديمية حياة الطفل Kid's Life Academy

- تحت اشراف اساتذة تربويين من الجامعات
- برنامج تريز TRIZ لتنمية الابداع
- برنامج تربوية ونفسية وتعليمية متنوعة

- انشطة تعليمية :
( عربي – لغات – حساب كمبيوتر – تنمية مهارات )
- مع التأهيل للمقابلة الشخصية بمدارس اللغات
- انشطة دينية:
( قرأن بالتجويد – طريقة نورانية – قصص دينية – سنه نبوية )

- تنمية مهارات حياتية للطفل:
( جسمية – حركية – فكرية – تنمية ذكاءات )
- العاب تعليمية والعاب ترفيهية متنوعة
- مربيات متخصصات لكل الفئات العمرية
- معلمات تربويات متخصصات في التعليم والتعلم .
- دورات تدريبية – تربوية مستمرة للمعلمات والمربيات .
- دورات اسبوعية تربوية للامهات من قبل اساتذة جامعيين .
- محاضرات عن فن التربية وكيفية التعامل مع كل المراحل العمرية مجانية
- التأهيل النفسي وتعديل السلوك للطفل الذي فقد احد والدية لأي سبب
- استضافة الاطفال في سن المدرسة بعد الظهر مع وجود معلمة متخصصة لحل الواجبات المدرسية

برامج لطلاب المدارس بعد اليوم الدراسي في مجال:
(برمجة الروبوتات – الميكانيكا – الفيزياء – العلوم الكيمياء – الجرافيكس – الهندسة – تصميم المواقع – البحث العلمي .
مع تطوير الشخصية – الثقه بالنفس الابداع والابتكار – مهارات التفكير.)-

Children's House Montessori Nursery
We care about letting them explore their sense of taste
Developing strong senses of smell and taste helps children identify different flavours. It also helps children distinguish between flavors to determine what food they enjoy and what food they don't like. This is important to help establish children's unique diet requirements early on.