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who are we ?
Bedaya is an academy for flexible learning, meaning it cares about the child’s psychology and personality.
Acceptance is from 2 to 7 years. For each age, there is a special program in which the Montessori curriculum is integrated with the academic subjects from Kia First Primary School with interactive activities to take into account children’s learning styles.
Accepting children from two years old
. Developing skills using the latest methods and activities
. Teaching values and principles.
A comprehensive educational curriculum for passing school interviews.
• An interactive study of the K91 curriculum for 3rd grade with motor, sensory and visual activities using Montessori figures and activities.
Arabic - math-science - English - Islamic education. A specialized teacher for each subject.
. Frequent entertainment activities and workshops.
. Online cameras.
• Paying attention to precautionary measures
Ventilation - sterilization - distancing - safety)
. Periodic follow-up of mothers on a special group of the academy
It differs in that we present the curricula in a similar way to the Steam curriculum, and this depends mainly on problem solving
This pushes the child to think and discover, and develops their thinking, remembering, and problem-solving skills without assistance
We can also, from their childhood, determine with them what their passion is and what attracts them, whether in the educational process or daily life.
They are also available on Friday and Saturday
Difference is our business principle
Anything you will ask for, no matter how difficult it is, you will find it. Complete the post until the end, and you will understand
And don't forget to ask about the school entertainment program
Your child is with us at home with us, your child is in the right place, we assure you of your child's future, because he will be properly established in all school subjects, and he will be able to pass the interview of all schools easily.
(National - International)
Our name is STEAM-Minds-Nursery
And this is not just a name... our approach that we follow
Academic Program:
Using the Montessori method.
Religious education.
Arabic language (Nour al-Bayan) and (Mental Arabic).
Memorizing Qur’an with intonation.
(jolly phonics) English Oxford.
Swimming pool during summer
Professional workshops for children: sculpture, industry, agriculture and trade
Birthdays and parties
Every week Fun Day with different entertainment and educational ideas
Additional activities and courses
UC-Math is a mental arithmetic program
Spanish courses, Spanish language - French, French language, German language.
Speech sessions (individual) - behavior modification - skills development.
For the protection and safety of our children
Academically: From Sunday to Thursday, the morning period is from 7 am to 3 pm.... and the evening period is from 4 pm to 10 pm.
Extra Time available until 10pm
The beautiful is what you all will love
(After School) We receive school students after the school day to help with studying and homework.
The nursery is fully air conditioned and equipped with limited time cameras
Buses are available to and from the nursery within Hadayek Al-Ahram
Cute Kids Nursery 100% Quality in Education
With - cute_kids we learn every day::
- English, Arabic, French Languages
Montessori all day long
- Music Lessons
- Aerobics & Boxing
and much more in a very clean, healthy and cozy environment!!!!
With Cute Kids Nursery it is always Happy Learning
Tots and Dots Nursery in Hadayek al-Ahram, Tots and Dots Nursery in Hadayek al-Ahram depends on learning foreign languages, English at Tots and Dots Nursery in Hadayek al-Ahram, Arabic at Tots and Dots Nursery in Hadayek al-Ahram, music at Tots and Dots Nursery in Hadayek al-Ahram, music at Tots and Dots Nursery in Hadayek al-Ahram , Sports at Tots and Dots Nursery in Al-Ahram Gardens, Quran at Tots and Dots Nursery in Al-Ahram Gardens, Montessori at Tots and Dots Nursery in Al-Ahram Gardens, Transportation at Tots and Dots Nursery in Al-Ahram Gardens, in addition to educational courses at Tots and Dots Nursery Dots in Hadayek Al-Ahram, speech and behavior modification at Tots and Dots Nursery in Hadayek Al-Ahram, summer camp at Tots and Dots Nursery in Hadayek Al-Ahram,
* Future Academy nursery
We're working from Sunday to Thursday
From 7 to 4 extra hours available till 6
لغه عربيه و نور بيان
قرآن كريم
PE sessions
Funday every Thursday
We provide two meals
(Breakfast- lunch )
We accept children from 6 month age
Security cameras system
After school available
Disney Nursery offers unique educational activities:
• Arabic Language
• Memorizing the Holy Quran
• English (jolly phonics)
• Montessori
-Art & craft
• Kids area
▪️We accept children from 1 to 6 years old.
▪️The academy is air-conditioned and monitored by cameras.
▪️We provide 3 complete healthy meals.
▪️We have delivery service available.
▪️Different foundation courses (Arabic, English).
▪️ Preparing the child to pass the school interview.
▪️ Regular medical examination.
▪️ Every week a fun day with different educational and entertainment ideas.
▪️ Daily follow-up with the guardian through our application.
In green Beans we provide your kids a safe environment to grow healthy & develop .
All teachers are highly qualified & certified .
All classes are well ventilated with fresh air & sun & daily sanitized .and also monitored by cameras.
With us Your kid will be able to pass any interview easily.
We use a play based learning system.
Our curriculum in English is jolly phonics (Oxford) / in math & science is Montessori.
We also provide speech therapist & behaviour therapist.
Age from 3 months till 5 years .
We provide after school service.
أكاديمية ديسكفرى - منارة التميز والنجاح
* الفئة العمرية: من 3 أشهر إلى 8 سنوات
* المناهج:
- لغة عربية: "نور البيان"
- لغة إنجليزية: "جولي فونكس"
- رياضيات
- تنمية المهارات
- منتسوري
- القرآن الكريم
* أنشطة رياضية بإشراف كابتن متخصص
* برنامج صيفي ممتع
* رعاية يومية حتى الساعة 6 مساءً
* استضافة يومية وفي عطلة نهاية الأسبوع
انضموا إلى رحلتنا نحو التميز والنجاح!
اسباب كتير تخليك تحجز مكان لطفلك فى الحضانة Paradise kids
Section - قرآن يومياً - English - Math - Science - عربي
استقبال الاطفال من عمر 3 شهور الى عمر 10سنوات من الاحد الى الخميس من 7صباحا الى 5مساء
بالإضافة إلى
كاميرا اونلاين
تقرير يومي لمتابعة الطفل
تطبيق منهج اللغه العربيه بطريقة نور البيان
تطبيق منهج Jolly phonics
قسم خاص للتخاطب
انشطه فنيه متعدده
جاردن خارجية للألعاب الترفيهية
Music day sport day fun day
حفلات اعياد ميلاد
تقديم ثلاث وجبات صحية للأطفال يومياً - Breakfast - snake - lunch
جميع الفصول جيدة التهويه ومكيفه ومراقبه بكميرات
بادر بحجز مكان لطفلك للاستمتاع بكافة الانشطه بأقل اشتراك شهري
*TOFFEE Kids Nursery
- تعلن عن فتح باب قبول الدفعة الذهبية
- تقبل الحضانة الأطفال من سن 3 شهور و حتى 6 سنوات
- Quraan - Arabic - English - Math - Science
- Deutsch - Francais
- Art - Sport - Fun - Stories
- تنمية مهارات وسلوكيات - اتكيت - منتسورى
Happy kids center Not just a nursery We are a team of specialized mothers and teachers who help every mother who has a problem with her children, whether psychological, linguistic, behavioral, skills, or learning difficulties. A special section for infants from 40 days old - Developing intelligence, skills and self-confidence - Day and evening care -An integrated academic curriculum -Preparing for all school admission exams at all levels Founded by: Arabic / Nour Al-Bayan English French Memorizing the Qur’an and noble hadiths Math English (phonics and conversation classes) To prepare pre-school, we rely on the method of learning through play and activities. - Behavior modification and skills development. -Sunny play park -Daily healthy meals -Aerobics and Zumba - Conducting workshops and events to raise awareness of all information and problems related to children -Celebrations for all occasions at the highest level -after-school waiting For reservations and inquiries 01013195070
*تقييم فردى و خطه فرديه لكل طفل
*تدريب طفلك بشكل فردى أو مجموعه من 4 اطفال كحد أقصى
*بيئه امنه نفسيا واكاديميا بعيده عن الابتزاز العاطفى والإهانة ( النوتى كورنر- اقعد كويس علشان المس تحبك أو مقولش لماما - مين هيبقي الاشطر )
* متوفر home schooling
* توعيه وإرشاد لأولياء الأمور بالصحه النفسيه للطفل من خلال لقاءات وورش عمل مجانيه على يد خبراء نفسيين
* جغرافيا
* علم النباتات
* الفضاء
* Math
* Science
* Art & craft
* character building
* Fitness
قسم تدخل مبكر يوفر جلسات تخاطب
* تنميه مهارات
* تعديل سلوك
* تكامل حسي واكاديمى
* توفير شادو تيتشر أو تدريبها أن وجدت
With Mass Land Academy Summer Camp * After School Foundation courses * Speaking sessions * UC MAS course
For all the mothers who are looking for the best and cleanest nurseries and are reassuring about their child
I want a place to grow and develop your child's abilities
Yourself in your son's place to learn and establish, right?! There is no one but Florida international nursery to rely on
Educational programs to develop children's cognitive and physical skills
We offer different activities:
* fee
* Behavior modification
* Captain Fitness - memorizing the Qur’an, teaching Arabic - and English - rehabilitating children for school entertainment
I want a place to grow and develop your child's abilities Yourself in your son's place to learn and establish, right?! There is no one but Florida international nursery to rely on Educational programs to develop children's cognitive and physical skills We offer different activities: *music * fee * Behavior modification * Captain Fitness - memorizing the Qur’an, teaching Arabic - and English - rehabilitating children for school entertainment
Vibrant and fun classrooms.
• Outdoor play area. Trips- Outings.
• Fully trained staff.
Intenationally recognized curriculum. Fresh and healthy food
cooked on premises.
Good manners and etiquette classes. Healthy habits classes.
• Speech therapists available.
• French, Montessori and music classes.
Aerobics classes.
• Arabic & Quran classes.
• Week-by-week vibrant events.
Summer & Winter camps.
Camera monitored classes.
Transportation provided.
After school service upon request. • Portable swimming pools.
At KLA we have teachers from around the world hailing from Colorado, USA to Manchester, England bringing us the best and most
experienced teachers to date.
If you are looking for education, behavior modification, attention, safety, and etiquette education, then it will be Hero Academy _ We receive from months old _ We have classes suitable for every level (Baby class.pre kg.kg1.kg2.summer camp) _ We will study together all the materials we need (Arabic, Quran, English, Math) _ Developing skills and modifying the behavior of Montessori with the latest scientific methods _ A nursery specialized in teaching children with the best and easiest educational means and the best curricula _ We are not just a nursery, we are the second home for your children _ Our hours are from 7 to 5 pm and there is daily hosting _ We receive children after school _ We have an art workshop to teach children drawing and handmade works _ We have a fitness and gymnastics coach _ Healthy meals for children - Every Thursday fun day _ We have a specialist who addresses and develops learning and Montessori skills and difficulties
اول اسبوع مجانآ لاول ١٠ مشتركين و السعر مفاجأه - تعلن أكاديمية يوني كورن للغات بحدائق الأهرام 2
نقبل من سن شهور حتي ١٠ سنوات و يوجد افتر اسكول و سمر كورس و كمان خصم خاص للاخوات
* نفسك ابنك او بنتك تجرب اسبوع ف حضانه
قبل ما تقرر الاشتراك تعلن حضانه id=2عن اول اسبوع فري تعالا/ي ابنك او بنتك يجربوا معانا يوم مجانا ويستمتعوا بحضانتا الجميله ويلعبوا ويتبسطوا
كمان عندنا اقل سعر للاستضافه
* وعشان انا أم وحاسه بيكي عملنا بيت فيه جارن بيدخلها شمس وهواء ومنطقه لعب بها حمام سباحه امن للاطفال
* هتبقي كأنك معانا لحظه بلحظه من خلال فيديوهات وصور علي مدار اليوم (اكلهم/لعبهم/تعليمهم)
* تنميه مهارات وتعديل سلوك من خلال تطبيق منهج مونتيسوري لتنميه قدرات الطفل.
* تأهيل الطفل لاجتياز انترفيو المدارس National / International
* English (Jolly Phonics)
* Math/Scince/German/French
* فيتنس وزومبا و جمباز
* تحفيظ قرآن وأحاديث وسيره.
* كشف طبي دوري.
* تعليم آتيكيت في الطعام والتعامل.
* تدريب الأطفال علي مهارات الكتابة وأستخدام القلم.
* المتابعة اليومية بشكل مستمر مع ولي الأمر من خلال جروب الواتس آب الخاص بالحضانة.وكشاكيل متابعه يوميه
* الأهتمام باللغة ( الانجليزيه - الالمانيه - الفرنسيه -العربيه ) والتحدث بها علي مدار اليوم
* مجهزه بأحدث الالعاب ومؤمنة بالكامل.
* يوم ترفيهي كل اسبوع وحفلات دورية للأطفال
* قبول الأطفال من سن 3 شهور حتي ١٠ سنوات
* تقيمات شهرية لمتابعة ومعرفة مستوي الأطفال أول بأول وقياس مدي تقدمهم ونسبة ذكائهم وهدايا تحفيزية.
* مواعيد الحضانة من الساعه ٧ صباحا حتي الساعه ٤ مساءً
* يوجد استضافة
Teachers at the highest level of experience Establishing an Arabic language (by the method of Noor al-Bayan) Basic English (Jolly Phonics) Founding Math Create an account Memorization of the Noble Qur’an and the hadiths of the Prophet Montessori activities to develop your child's skill The entertainment side (drawing - coloring - cutting and sticking - clay - various games) Sports (gymnastics) A safe place to play Reception from the age of 3 months to 10 years There is after school and day hosting There is an evening period until 7 pm welcome everybody
A human walk for our sweet children and children We are pleased to inform you that it has been completed Contracting with Hero Sport Academy Inside the nursery job Hero Sport Academy Program We offer you 8 group and individual games, divided into four months (First month) Boxfitness (Second month) tennis lines + gymnastics gymnastics) (Third month) volleyball + karate (fourth month) kung fu kung fu + ping pong) * Our goals for the winter winter camp 1- Educating the players on their healthy habits 2- Behavior modification 3- Proper nutritional development 4- Motivate the players academically by linking sports to the school water 5- Child development from the social and moral point of view Our motto is commitment
We are pleased to inform you that it has been completed Contracting with Hero Sport Academy Inside the nursery job Hero Sport Academy Program We offer you 8 group and individual games, divided into four months (First month) Boxfitness (Second month) tennis lines + gymnastics gymnastics) (Third month) volleyball + karate (fourth month) kung fu kung fu + ping pong) * Our goals for the winter winter camp 1- Educating the players on their healthy habits 2- Behavior modification 3- Proper nutritional development 4- Motivate the players academically by linking sports to the school water 5- Child development from the social and moral point of view Our motto is commitment
A human walk for our sweet children and children We are pleased to inform you that it has been completed Contracting with Hero Sport Academy Inside the nursery job Hero Sport Academy Program We offer you 8 group and individual games, divided into four months (First month) Boxfitness (Second month) tennis lines + gymnastics gymnastics) (Third month) volleyball + karate (fourth month) kung fu kung fu + ping pong) * Our goals for the winter winter camp 1- Educating the players on their healthy habits 2- Behavior modification 3- Proper nutritional development 4- Motivate the players academically by linking sports to the school water 5- Child development from the social and moral point of view Our motto is commitment
English Section
French Section
Advanced and developed preschool
Safe,stimulating and fun environment.
Excellent facilities.
Qualified and certified staff
After school program
Winter &Summer camps.
Weekly music session
Weekly doctor checkup
Gymnastics and fitness academy
Transportation is available
Jolly phonics curriculum
High safety and hygeine standards
Four healthy meals
Surveillance cameras
Admission Open *
Baby steps is committed to developing the whole child within our culture of learning, high expectations, and care.
* we accept kids from 1 year up to 12 years
* working days from Saturday to thursday
* working hours from 7 am till 4 pm
Extra hours from 4pm till 6 pm
* languages
English curriculum(jolly phonics)
* Holly quraan and prophet speech
* we prepare kids for national and international school interviews
* on prépare les enfants aux entretiens pour les écoles françaises
P.E sessions
Music sessions
Art and crafts
* birthday parties and events
* two fresh healthy meals daily
* For all the mamies in * Hadayek Al-Ahram who are looking for a nursery
Specialized for her children
The solution is here at Creative kids Academy2
- Yourself in a nursery where you check on your son or daughter
And you can also be sure that they benefit from the level of education, as well as entertaining games
- We use the Montessori curriculum to develop our children's skills
- We have trainees who specialize in all subjects
- First English language in the Oxford Phonics curriculum - Show and Tell
- Germanlanguage
- Arabic language with the curriculum of Noor Al-Bayan
There is Quran memorization
- Because we care about our children's health, we check them out
- The place is equipped and secured at the highest level to receive your children
The place is well ventilated
- The place has 5 Classes
- There is a bus entering the parks
- The floors inside the nursery are all furnished for the comfort and safety of our children
- We have a very safe indoor and outdoor play area
- Hygiene is our first priority, because the whole place is sterilized throughout the day
- We have activities specially designed to develop your child's creative skills and independence
- This is different from the weekly parties that we do and we celebrate the birthdays of our beautiful children together
- Parents with us will also be happy because they are the owners of a place. You can enlighten us at any time to check on your son, and we also do not have a specific time for the visit. The right time is for you to come to honor us and watch the nursery.
Our timings are from 8 am to 4 pm
-Germanlanguage needs a space
A sentence doesht- begin
with bec.
has 5 classes.
- bus entering the parks
-owners of the place
Smart Kids Nursery: A different concept of nursery Our goal is the proper establishment of the child and the optimal rehabilitation for the next stages Talk to us to know our system, our prices, and our service, which is only available in Smart Kids Smart Kids welcomes your civilizations We accept children from 3 months to 5 years old From 7 am to 3 pm daily except Friday We use the latest educational and technological means Books for kindergarten in three curricula:
(1) Introductory curriculum (2) KG1 (3) KG2 Arabic, arithmetic, Islamic education, English, math, memorizing the Qur’an, drawing, various daily activities, distinct and unprecedented curricula in Arabic and mathematics Establishing reading, writing and training in the exits of letters. We use the most powerful educational curricula approved in Math&English Memorizing the Noble Qur’an Sports and recreational games daily Workouts per week (Gymnastics - Fitness - Box - Karate) at the hands of specialized trainers Principles of coloring and drawing Speak and develop intelligence and skills Behavior modification Relying on mental arithmetic and mental thinking Summer Camp & part time Booty Turning to Help Mommy The nursery is monitored with cameras to be reassured Special offers and discounts on the occasion of the opening 25% off for a limited time
About Les Roses Nursery:
Languages: Arabic - English - French - German - Holly Quran
Age: from 3 Months - to - School Age
After School
Working Hours: Basic time from 7 am to 4 pm
Extra hours in Late duties are available till 6 pm
Meals: Breakfast - Lunch - Snacks
Montessori approach for practical life skills
Les Roses Nursery Provide Medical Care
Summer Camp - Winter Camp
Activities: Music - Drama - Art & Craft - Aerobics - Karate - Ballet - Gymnastic - Birthday Parties - Trips
Transportation Available