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مركز جليم المتكامل للصحة النفسية وتأهيل ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة

-مركز جليم المتكامل للصحة النفسية وتأهيل ذوى الاحتياجات الخاصة :
-الخدمات التي نقدمها:

-تنمية مهارات
-تعديل سلوك
-صعوبات تعلم
-تكامل حسي
-العلاج الوظيفي
-رعاية نهارية
-اختبارات و مقاييس:
-مقاييس نفسية
-اختبار الذكاء (IQ)
-تغذية أطفال
-تغذية حالات خاصة
-الصحة النفسية والإدمان:
-صحة نفسية وإدمان
-إرشاد أسري
-دعم نفسي
-لايف كوتشنج
-تأهيل أطفال التوحد، والإصابات الدماغية، والداون، والإعاقة العقلية
-التأهيل اللغوي والتخاطبي لكل الإعاقات
-بطيئ التعلم وصعوبات التعلم والتأخر الدراسي
-تأسيس ما قبل دخول المدرسة معرفيًا وأكاديميًا
-فرط الحركة وتشتت الانتباه
-تعديل سلوك الأطفال والمراهقين
-تنمية المهارات الاجتماعية للأطفال العاديين وغير العاديين
-الاستشارات والإرشاد:
-إرشاد أسري ونفسي لأولياء الأمور
-البرامج الخاصة:
-غرفة تكامل حسي وتأهيل حركي
-التدخل المبكر والعلاج الوظيفي
-تنمية الذاكرة

PURE LIGHT International Nursery & Daycare

PURE LIGHT International Nursery & Daycare We accept from 9 months to 6 years old - Montessori - The Quran - Languages - Zumba - Etiquette and Ethics - Special events and topics Practical life activities - Great outdoor areas - Safe and secure environment - A fully qualified and experienced work team We announce an international course for our children - pronunciation - listening - American accent - A large amount of vocabulary reading - writing we provide - English - Arabic -Quran - Activities - Garden - Zumba - Fine Motor skills - Montessori - Manners

little stars Academy
Little Stars Academy specializes in everything that benefits your child
One of the most important programs offered by Little Stars Academy
 - Establishment of kg 1 and kg 2
 - You are working to qualify your child for school entertainment
 An after school system is available to help your child with homework and review school materials
  - A nutritionist and a psychologist to follow up on your child's condition with a daily report
 Entertainment courses such as drawing and music
 Buses are available
 Addressing sessions, learning difficulties and autism are available
Behavior modification and skills development
 Quran memorization
 - etiquette
 Teaching through purposeful play and figures
 A section for people with special needs
 Academic side
 - Arabi
  - Holy Quran
 - english
 - math
 - montossori
- activities fitness
 - art day care
 We accept children from 4 years old
 - The presence of online cameras for the entire academy to protect your child

رمز "تم التحقق منها بواسطة المنتدى"
Oxygen nursery

English and french classes Pre-school preparation program Montessori program Monthly event Swimming, gymnastics,manners and etiquette,class,story time,arts& crafts,music,cooking Medical check up Daycare and bus are available



Bright Minds ... Bright Future


Glenn Doman (new method for babies)

Araabic, English(Jolly phonics), French ,Math

Art ,Hand crafts

Zomba , fitness , aerobics

Cooking ,monthly funday

Behavior modification

Story time ,drama

Music lessons ,puppet show

Speech Therapy



Day care

Summer camps and winter campsafter school are availabla

We accept babies from 3 months

Special depatment for special need kids

Monthly doctor visit

Qualifying for national and international schools

All places are monitrated by surveillance camers

Our daily opening from 8am till 3pm

Extra time from 3 pm till 9 pm

Child Care Academy

Child Care Academy skills development programs up to 16 years old

- LEGO education
- Computer applications
- STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineerin, Art & Math )
- Gymnastics, Taekwondo & karate
- Music & Ballet
- Behavior treatment
- Parent mentoring
- Speech therapy
- kids etiquette rules
- Art crafts
- Noor El Bayan
- Quran
- Montessori system

Toddler Town Academy
In Toddler Town Academy, we build a welcoming environment where everyone is shown love, care and res