
Is your child smart sharp intelligence?


Is your child smart sharp intelligence?

Your child is smart?

If you ask yourself, your son is intelligent, special intelligence, or natural intelligence, then this article will answer your question.

In this article, we will learn about the signs of intelligence in children and ways to develop them

First: signs of intelligence in the child

The speed of absorption in the child: the child's ability to assimilate and discover things around him before children of the same year is a sign of intelligence

Understanding and pronouncing speech: A smart child is distinguished from others by that he can understand the words he says at a very young age (about 18 years) and he can also pronounce letters and words and sometimes two words with some of the beginning of the (14 months)

Strong memory: If you meet / meet your son / daughter, for example, by consulting on the refrigerator and asking for juice or food, or if you see that you are wearing clothes that give you, then this is a sign of intelligence, which is the strength of memory, and this is because your child is stored in his memory that food and juice are their place Al-Tlajah and that this clothing we wear always while we go out

Focus: Concentration and not being distracted is definitely a sign of intelligence, and this is what happens when your child meets a position in a certain game for long periods or hears a story with intense focus and asks questions about it

The difference: a smart child has different tendencies and cares about the needs of children of the same year that they do not care about

Bad mood: Smart children have a bad mood more than others because they do not sleep as much as other children of their age, and they have an increased sensitivity to environmental and psychological influences around them.

Second: Methods for developing intelligence in children

Notice the safety of the child: speaking calmly and in a low-pitched voice and communicating a sense of tenderness to your child helps him feel safe, which will lead to better results in his life.

Education in enjoyable ways: such as inserting songs and playing during school time helps the child understand in a better way, and it is more likely that the one who memorizes it will be difficult to forget.

The tales: keep your story before bed because it strengthens the bond between you and helps your child that he understands you and knows many stories about different needs and provides his store of information

Going out: Set aside a day of the week to go out and take a walk because this helps your child in meditation that strengthens his intelligence and makes him ask questions that are important for developing his intelligence

We don’t want to forget that every child has a different nature, different personality traits and a different growth rate, and we don’t want to be hard on our children because they see the world through us.

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