STEAM Nursery & Academy

When you choose a nursery for your child, you always choose the one closest to you. What is meant by the nearest is here, not the place.. What is meant is closest to your thinking and what you wish for your child

We are the closest to you

Time & Duration: from Sunday to Thursday --- from 7:00 a.m to 6:00 p.m

STEAM education                   Science - Technology

Engineering                   Art                             Mathematics 

Activites: Arts & crafts-Paintings-Recycling-Cooking- Storytelling 

 Reading ( English & Arabic)- Sports- Team building games  -Challenges 

Competitions-Math and Science expermints 

Personailty development activities


Address : 65 Borg ElNakhil ,Studio Misr St Beside Grand pyramids hotel

Phone :

Mobile : 01091944043 - 01201086123

Email :